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Do you need the advice from an Archon? I can give you more than that ❤

I'll release a public preview soon

You can get the full resolution Image (6K), the drafts, a bonus version, the lineart file (.JPG) and the source file of the Draft (.PSD) here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/raiden-shogun-104023505


Once again I must apologize with you, this work was expected to be published yesterday or even 2 days ago but from the beginning of the month I've been having some issues with Paypal and the payment, I haven't been able to retire the money I got in my account.

I lost the last 2-3 days talking with a lot of advisers from the platform and nobody had a satisfactory answer to fix my issue. And in the end it ended with me really stressed out and delaying my own work.

Today finally an adviser found a small solution but I won't be able to know if it works until the next 3 - 4 days. I hope it does because I don't want to lose more time calling or writing to advisers and getting more stress.



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