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My wallet is screaming and because some of my family issue,

I'm re-activating Patreon's monthly payment again.

so you will be charged at the end of this December.

I've been drawing a lot to practice, improve myself since last few months.

And seems It's getting better and better.

But still gotta work hard to fix things.

In real life, I'm still working for mandatory military services (about 7 months left) and my university studies.

So please understand I can't draw 24/7 to provide ?p?o?r?n?s? drawings daily ;_;

I'm thinking of changing my pledge into 'per post' system, to avoid being rushed and stressed out. Considering.

I'm mostly active at Tumblr to shit posting and stuffs,

so if you want to see only what I did recently or not using Tumblr, here's my Pixiv.

Anyway, since I'm starting Patreon again, feel free to suggest content for next patreon poll here.

like, "Futa Miku from Vocaloid " or "Chi fucking Yuu, Girl's last tour" etc.


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