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Jack lulled about, feeling empty as the snow fell outside. Due to events beyond his control, his holidays were lonely this year, forcing him to spend Christmas by himself in an empty apartment. It was frustrating to watch his friends having a good time in their messages and pictures, a bitter resignation taking over as he stirred listlessly, trying to feel the spirit. Eh Christmas was almost over anyways, what did it even matter? There was a buzz from his phone, Jack wondering who it was this time and perking up at the sight of a dm from Charoset. It wasn't like he was celebrating the holiday for a number of reasons, and they'd always do something fun to cheer him up when asked. Looking in, it seemed like he was checking in, doing his usual spiel.

Hey Jack. Know you're feeling down so I wanted to see if there's anything I can do to help. Just lmk.

He thought about it for a bit, trying to get the right words down. If he played his cards right, maybe they'd get a sexy rp going on. He was squirming a little at the thought, ready for a good time. After a few tweaks, he had his response, smiling happily as he typed it out.

"Eh, just feeling kind of down. I never used to be that much of an extrovert, but I just kinda wish I could be surrounded by people that love me at this point."

There was a minute of typing, pausing, Jack waiting to see what he'd get as the 'is typing' message blinked below. After all that expectation, the message was depressingly short, just a quick, "That can be arranged. Consider your wish granted."

Jack took a look at that and gave a disappointed sigh, hoping for something a bit juicier, planning to type a response when a spark zapped his typing fingers, making him grunt in pain as he shook his hand trying to stop the tingles. More sparks flew out, covering him in light, burning his clothes as he jumped from his seat and began flailing, shrieking until he found himself completely naked, and somehow standing in front of a crowd of fans.


Jack's brain was short circuiting, unsure how to process just, any of what had just happened. It took almost a minute for him to cover up his groin as his mumbling worsened, all the eyes of the crowd feeling weird, prickling on his skin, a very strange nervous energy building at the knowledge that everyone's attention was on him, their faces oddly expectant, some muttering excitedly under their breaths as he heard them whispering, "Is that her? ... Is it time for the show? ... What's that outfit?"

What the hell were they talking about? He was naked! Wait no where the fuck was he? Shit what the hell had happened? Where was his apartment and why the fuck was he naked in the middle of winter a-and... oddly warm? His face slackened a bit, a slight look of pleasure on it as the building pressure and prickling stares ran over him in waves, a not so cold sweat dotting his body as an indescribable warmth surged over every exposed inch of skin, which was all of it. And then the crowd started to chant, cheering him on with the same name, repeating "BARBARA! BARBARA!" over and over like a sort of chant, making him dizzy and even warmer as his skin took on a rosy glow from a flash of pride.

This was bad, it was feeling really good, his cock pressing against his cupped fingers, spotlights turning on as the heat warmed him more, his body hair burning in the added heat strand by strand. He had to correct them, had to say something before this weirdness went further.


The refutal silenced the concert hall, the fans all stunned as he hoped this would end the madness and get him home. Instead they all erupted with laughter like he had told some great joke.

"You can't fool us Barbara! We're your number one fans!"

One screamed from the side.

"Yeah what a stupid disguise!"

"We know that's you in there, hey guys lets spread the cheer so that our idol feels comfortable coming out!"

The constant enthusiasm was getting to him, Jack feeling it all over as the excitement built, sweat pooling from softer skin as his arousal skyrocketed. There was something tantalizing about the hands cupping his groin now, Jack unaware that his skin was being melted under the light, losing all its hair, its roughness, smooth, creamy fingers rubbing his hardened cock as he had to flex his palms to keep it covered now. He receded almost instinctually, realizing something had to be wrong even if he didn't know what, even if it felt sooo~ good!

Some of the crowd was bringing back the Barbara chant, that name making him squirm, the syllables ringing in his ears and making his brain spread itself to the resonant cheer of it as his fingers felt slick, precum coating them as he tried to ignore it, only for the front row fans to urge him on as they recollected fondly.

"Yep that's Barbara! Only Barbara cowers like that. She's so cute with her inwards flexing feet. Soon she'll start rocking on her heels cause she's so nervous we found out."

The previous pleasure was like a warm blanket, but this was something stronger, like the thought of eroticism vs someone reaching out and stroking his dick, his feet suddenly swiveling inwards as his toes rubbed against one another, a strong grinding ecstasy rebounding through them as they wriggled slimmer. The weight was on the balls of his feet, slimming as the pleasure surged upwards, Jack unable to stand on such sensitized dainty things as he began shifting, rocking as the transfer of weight snapped his arches and slimmed the rest of his feet into dainty perfection, his toes giving a cute rap on the floor as he let out a confused moan at the feelings. And the crowd ate it up.






The crowd was in a frenzy, thrilled to hear more of his cries as they turned melodic under an onslaught of pleasure.


Halfway through the scream his voice cracked up two octaves to a cute, girly thing, the last third losing its screech as it turned to a high C. His fingers were twitching, the memories of autographs flexing through each joint, his nails stretching out an inch as they manicured into points, his fingers slimming as it felt like he was getting a heavenly handjob as the first spurts of cum gushed out. Now it went from a high C to a high D as his own D splashed out, his perfect little fingers rubbing it, gripping his cock like a fan's pen as he moaned in sonorous bliss. All these memories were spilling in as cum spilled out, the mental bliss of imagining autograph signing almost as good as the way his slender palms felt as they worked it. But he wasn't gripping a pen, h-he was performing for his fans, his lovely lovely-


It undercut the fear from how musical it was, a sing-song tone making the fans cheer as his hands dropped his cock with a need to do something. He felt he needed to cover his ears more than his cock at this point, each fan's words resonating and shaking his thoughts, making his balls tighten as need pressed down, but he covered neither, his arms twitching amidst the cheers.






Lyrics landed on the tip of his tongue, lips swelling with gloss, cheeks popping with blush as his visage rebelled against his efforts to fight the crowd's wants, his chin popping as the first few words tumbled out, his eyes widening blue as they drank in the light with such vigorous need. The more he sang the more his forehead throbbed, his face shifting, cutening, blonde sprouting from the brown, the pleasure too much as his hands and feet jerked him around, forcing him to dance for the adoring crowd below.

Fuck, the posing, th-the adorable stupid fans love her posing. These thoughts were crowing into his head as his limbs jerked, still uncoordinated, not used to the movements, the discomfort spurring on changes as his flabby arms and mediocre legs visibly pulsated, Jack squealing in a belted note as the muscle degraded and shifted, a different kind of athleticism as his body was desperate to catch up with the image of perfection the audience was projecting. His shoulders shifted first, all the jerking grinding arm to torso, his frame shrinking, rounding, cutesying itself as he lost half his broadness in the assault, his arms gaining a sensual fluidity as they softened to slim, flexible twigs.

Now if someone had called Jack's legs twigs in this crowd, they'd be likely to get beaten or torn to shreds, Jack feeling it with every step, the shock of impact, the jiggle of loosening flesh, the fiery, powerful pleasure drilling inside as he squeaked out more lines of the song, his nose giving in to the cuteness, blonde locks fluttering in the wind with every move, his wide eyes all blue as they lost the obvious fear, a look of joy and cutesy enjoyment apparent on them. It was so hard to fight back, s-since fighting back might affect the rhythm of her poses and his mind couldn't take this oh fuuuuck.

It was in his calves, the backs rounding as he did steps that sat oddly in his hips, his knees slowly inching together as his pelvis felt on the verge of snapping, his shed mass squirming up to spread the pleasure, athleticism pooling in his thighs with fat, the flexible, springy softness needed for an idol performer giving them supple curves, surprising strength and above all, thicker, squeezing thighs that couldn't seem to do anything without groping his cock. Cum gushed as his fingers formed a heart shape, his shoulders rolling as he made a motion like his fake heart was beating, his nipples erect as he gave a screech, his voice hitting a new register with a yank below.

His hips were getting in on it, gyrating, his squeals doing an impressive series of runs as each side eventually forced itself outwards, his thighs squeezing his balls, jostling his cock. His body was jerking his hips back, his ass jiggling as he wiggled it to the crowd, their eyes filling it as his dick continued to leak. There was no helping it, the cheering as he posed making him act cute, the raw ecstasy following each dainty pose winding him as his core began to shrink. His voice was inching upwards, his balls tighter and tighter as they flopped, his scrotum tightening with stage fright as his already high voice found even shriller registers. Like all good singers, her core was tied to her performance, pulling taut, tight, cute, and pulling oh fuck it was swallowing her balls oh fuck he was losing it he was losing it to cuteness losing it to-


He hit a new octave, his balls gushing, ejecting all the anti cute idol juices inside from the weird, leaking glowstick between her- No his balls oh fuck he could feel them melting inside he could fucking feel them slipping inside and fucking him th-the cheers oh it was like their screams were echoing inside his l-leaking idol crevice where all of her f-fans must be imagining, imagining how tight and wet her- A sparkling gush of cum erupted, the last of his sperm tumbling out as it made a rainbow arc of clear, feminine fluids as he felt a need to react, giggling as he finished the song, moaning out, "Ah, look at it sparkle~!"

His fans ate it up, Jackra moaning into her-, h-his next song as his cock gave a shudder hearing her fans cheer on every move, their love so thick and loving.





His face was dazed, lips still moving as he could feel the performance taking over, his body flexing suggestively as cloth appeared from the void, covering his shifting body in a cute santa outfit.

What was suggestive was physical, the cloth like an avatar of the audience's will, red and white fabric clothing him, a floofy red dress, red and white arms, a santa hat and tight stockings hugging his dainty legs, puppeteering the holdout sections against his will as his body truly got into step with what she was meant to be doing. She didn't practice like this constantly just to mess up on sta- AHHH H-His core it was feeling so powerful a-and so sexy a-and all that stuff was moving to her proof she was mature beyond her cute exterior with her perky, bouncy- what? Wait perky? Ohh fuck there were panties squeezing his cock in front of his fans th-the dress it was squeezing him smaller. His b-body was about to, a-about to-


Just in time for the chorus, his perky nips pressed forth, teased by the white fluffy lace, swelling further and further as his core curved to something slim enough to fit a hand around, his spine firmly snapping with a gush of further sparkles from his panties. It was like his brain was gushing into her fan's favorite spot to look besides the underside of her skirt and face n-not like he wanted them to see- Ohhh these breasts felt so good sh-she should just- There were a few fatty pops as a solid foot of height migrated to his breasts, Jarkara squealing in time with a prerecorded backing that was now there, adding bounce to all of her poses, oh she loved to accentuate her curves with them for more dynamicism, more fawning from her fanatical maniacs! Please h-his name was Barbara. Ahh no don't replace that don't repla- They surged out once more, his hands forming a peace sign as he fluttered in an utterly adorable pose, his cock sore from the cumming as he curtsied, squeezing his left thigh as the fatty breasts heaved under the approval of the crowd, the changes almost finished as he had to move into the bridge, th-the notes so high, s-soooo impossibly AHHHHH~!

The remnants of Jarbara were retreating, trying to hide inside, away from the gaze of the fans, away from Barbara, p-perfect, beautiful, talented Barbara. The panties were getting tighter like her moves almost as if it was practiced in receding, as if this was what she had always striven for, no room for imperfections and my what a blockade for penis was shrinking oh fuckfuckfuck stop watching him dance stop watching him move stop giving commands stop-









His sleeves were shrinking, baring more arm, tightening to him, the dress splitting down the middle as her perfect navel bared itself in a small slit, letting the audience drink in the sight of her gyrating aaah~ n-no their f-feelings are l-looking at me, s-seeing MMMMMPH~ M-MEEE~! It was the bridge, and she knew she had to hit those high notes b-but he couldn't go that high his voice was already so high h-he couldn't without having that bothersome thing gone from her- her? Oh fuck his thighs were visible his cock was visible it h-had to retreat it h-had to-


What was left of Jarbara crumbled as the exposed tip of cock unused to the sight of the crowd did what only a non idol could do under such passionate viewing, it receded from it. And it kept receding, her pitch hitting a new register, whistle tones squeaking out as Barbara felt just how short her skirt was sewn, every inch of removed hem forcing her shaft. It sounded like an impossible note, starting off soft in a pianissimo, building as the eyes of her audience mixed with the many prepracticed skirt flips.

It was a piano as she could feel her cock stirring her insides, the last stray thoughts gushing out, then forte as half of it was in. At that point she could feel it scraping her promb, her girly, feminine womb obviously, what else could it be scraping against? O-Oh but this concert feels really, mmm~ god if she could curse she would but it'd ruin her image, and ohh it meant so much to be seen as cute. To be seen as pure, t-to be seen as the tiny, flowery perfect- It was almost the climax of the song, most of her cock inside, the feelings overpowering as a pre made cake seat rose up underneath. She couldn't stop her pleasure from screeching through her whistle tones, nearly high enough to leave human hearing as her right hand cutely covered the offending lump.

She finally gripped it and pushed, cumming repeatedly as her note climbed higher and louder, each element driving the crowd into a frenzy as their cheers made her press harder.




Oh god that's who she was, she was an idol sh-she had to push this thing in she had to finish this song she had to t-to- There wasn't enough in such a tight, dainty space, just like her body. B-But she could fit it in, just add a few h-hip wiggles, s-stick her tongue out to add to the cuteness and- OOH TH-THERE WAS A SMALL GIVE WHEN SHE WIGGLED! IT WAS SLIPPING IT WAS SHRINKING HER FINGERS WERE GRIPPING HER THIGHS, HER LIPS, H-HER CUTE LITTLE SLI-?


The song climaxed, Barbara with it, her drenched panties drying as she gave a pleased sigh at finishing the song, happy the concert was almost over since she needed to really satisfy her urges, but that hardly mattered, she had to close it out properly after all.

"Heehee~! Barbara's here~!"

It felt like the right thing to say, a triumphant return... no she was constantly performing. What a strange thought. But god did she love the cheers of her fans, all of them crying her name, begging for more, Barbara sighing as she teased out a costume change, showing just enough to taunt them before putting on one final santa dress for the season, throwing caution to the wind as the horniness and the utterly teased crowd was in a frenzy.

"I can- No! We can do this~!"

Without thinking, she jumped into the crowd, knowing any good idol knew how to work an audience and she was ready to make it a concert no one would forget, her leaking snatch powderizing in the cool air like white sparkles as she flew into the crowd, ready to satisfy all her urges as the hands gripped and groped her of her loving audience.

"Let the show begin~!"


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