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This was a great film! Full of great characters, adventure, humor, and heart! I'm so glad you voted for this.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/GC5xEHG3RAc




Great fun as a film though unfortunately I think it did not do well at the box office


This movie is how it feels in a campaign, the problems they have can be interpreted as bad dice roles, and the guy who took them to the underdark had the feel of a PC character the DM makes to keep help the party so it isn't a slaughter. Highly recommend playing if there's a good group around you and you like to use your imagination


Not so much, but I'm still optimistic. I would like to see good movies rewarded. I think the longterm view of this movie will be favorable.


It's the using my imagination that scares me. Some days let's go. Other days, complete brain fog. 😅 Loved the movie though, so maybe I should definitely play.