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We return to New Earth 5 billion years in the future for an action packed traffic jam and reconnect with an old friend. David Tennant acted his face off in this episode. Amazing.




I think the thing with the singing is that it is nice, but it's just a small rippable bandage over a terrible situation - it's emotional because everyone is suffering together, but it's the power of that communal faith that keeps them all from questioning. There remains hope, and you feeling unease at that is valid because it obfuscated the real solution. I love this episode.


The Macra were an especially deep pull from franchise lore, having only appeared in a single not-very-well-liked story in the ‘60s with no surviving copies. I imagine the big appeal was the ability to use CGI to make much more impressive giant crab monsters than were possible back then.

Tony Holness

As far as I'm aware the story is well liked, it also has had an animated recreation (The Macra Terror)


Some days I'd agree with you on this, but I do think that's a bit more of a bleak view on the singing than Russell T Davies intended. 🙂 Now, I'm as much of a "man of science" as he is, atheist and all, but to me, the singing is about - like you say - community and hope. Not just communal *faith*, but just simple human community. The people on the motorway don't really need to question anything, because - like the Doctor says - they already know. They just can't bear that knowledge, because, even if they also knew the real solution, they'd have no way of pulling it off. So, the remnants of community is likely the reason more of them aren't dead by now. Without that, they'd have *no* hope. Which, I think, is meant as an indirect parallel to The Doctor's need to have a companion around, not just to stop him or keep him company, but also to allow him to share what's actually going on inside that ginormous head of his - even when he has to be forced to. 😁