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This was so wholesome! I love that they did t try to recreate or one up the first film, but told an equally well crafted story that continues the story.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/ip3pZmx3uY4



Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Oh man if I can finish work projects by Sunday evening I'll be doing this watchalong with my dinner Sunday night. Fingers crossed 🤞

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

"I wish I could put the whole thing in my YouTube reaction." I know that was only about the window-washing sequence, but for me it applies to the entire piece. It's a perfect little jewel box of a movie and I'm so glad you've seen it. From the creative and charming animation of walking through the pop-up book, to the transformation of the prison mess hall to Aunt Lucy's Tea Room, to the script being whimsical and delightful but also tight as a drum, to Hugh Grant's magnificent performance (I unironically believe he should have been nominated for it) - every element of this film lands exactly where and how it needs to, up to and including the arrival of Aunt Lucy to put an emotional cherry on top of the whole thing. One of my favorite things about the movies is that a work like There Will Be Blood and a work like Everything Everywhere All at Once and a work like Paddington 2 can all be exceptional examples of the art form while being so wildly different from each another as to have basically nothing in common except that they are so compelling that we want to share the experience with others — which is the draw of reaction channels for me. (Answer to a question you asked during the film -- when Phoenix sees the book is still in its drawer in the attic, he says, "Thank Larry and Johnny and all the ghosts of the avenue." and you asked who Larry is. "Larry" is Laurence Olivier and "Johnny" is John Gielgud - two of the great stage actors in Britain in the 20th century, and "the avenue" is Shaftesbury Avenue, home to six of the West End's theaters.)


"I wish I could put the whole thing in my YouTube reaction." This does sum up my feeling on the whole film and this was a decidedly difficult edit because of it. The film is so tightly written that everything felt necessary and halfway through my edit I realized I had only cut 40% of the film to that point and (especially knowing studio canal on copyright) would have to go back through and really gut the edit. It still took, I think, 7 passes before it didn't get claimed 😅. Such a good film.