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I think I should stop trying to predict what a movie is about 😅This was a thrilling heist with a fascinating motive. Dalton said it all right away and I respect it. Thanks Holly for this pick!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/1zcLtFd6DuM



Red Dwarf

Great movie! I shall remove this from a list I have for future requests for you lol


Glad I could save you a pick and return the favor, since you saved me one quite a while ago 👍


My major memory of this one is that Spike Lee and/or his editor seemed weirdly insistent on shoving the big twist in our faces, playing it for the exact same amount of drama at least three times like he thought we'd be too stupid to understand it after the first time. That annoyed me so much that I really can't remember much else about it, so maybe it's time for a rewatch.

g g gooding

You just nailed what bothers me about Lee's films. They all beat the audience in the face with their message. That worked in Do the Right Thing...but not so much in Bamboozled, Jungle Fever, BlackkKlansman, etc. Malcolm X (which I love, tbc) literally has Nelson Mandela lecturing the audience after the movie. And I really like that lecture, but after the movie its tacked on as if the movie itself wasn't enough (which it most certainly is.)


And it’s especially weird here because it’s not any kind of political message, just a basic plot twist.

g g gooding

Which arguably illuminates: Its not about "truth" or whatever. Lee simply needs a better editor. Here its a plot point, other times it was a "message." Same problem; (a**hole-sounding comment from me): Lee needs to be more confident in his own films.