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I am so glad I finally saw this one! Different than I expected, but just as good. I thought it did an amazing job of revisiting a significant moment in BSG history while helping set the stage for season 4. I'm ready!



James Hubbard

I pretty much literally can’t watch this movie because of the amount of sheer physical rage I get from watching this degenerate lesbian illustrate the depths of depravity human beings (if you can call Cain a human) can descend to. It was bad enough in Season 2 just hearing about her shitty escapades, but to see her enact them firsthand? Cain is an absolute piece of shitgarbage. I’d rather make out with Cavil for an hour than spend a minute in her presence.

James Hubbard

Imagine being cursed with this suhuman scum for a sister. Imagine abandoning your sister as a child, having your whole life to grow and reflect on such a sickening mistake, and deciding to just continue to be a morally bankrupt avatar of pure evil.