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I finally saw the original Godzilla! I found it interesting as a film that I assume wasn’t made with the intention of launching a wild franchise. This is a film with a surprising amount of depth and wow the last act was AMAZING!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/gE05PCw-1Qw




Gonna be fun when you get to the new one


Ishiro Honda had fought in World War II against his will, having been conscripted. He had a hair-raising brush with death in its final months when a bomb landed right in front of him, but turned out to be a dud, and in a truly mind-boggling move he picked it up as a souvenir and kept in on his writing desk for the rest of his life as a reminder of the fragility of life, and the kinds of stories he wanted to make. Despite what immediately leaps to mind upon hearing that the movie was inspired by the newly arrived atomic age, the inspiration wasn't so much the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the more recent hydrogen bomb tests at Bikini Atoll which had condemned a nearby group of Japanese fishermen to a horrific death, as directly referenced in the opening scene. This naturally resulted in a much more dark and somber movie than you'd expect from the franchise's reputation these days, and I have to imagine Honda had at the very least serious mixed feelings about the direction the sequels took. Though as you've seen with Shin Godzilla, in more recent years it's taken a turn back to this kind of material, and even that was topped by Godzilla Minus One, a movie that I truly think deserves to be counted among the greatest of all time, among the likes of Citizen Kane, The Godfather, and yes, Gojira.