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This is a difficult, yet interesting episode. This might be the very definition of don’t meet your heroes. It’s kind of a risky move to make so many main characters do questionable things. It’s such a twist on the classic formula of a hero that you can always root for and depend on to make the right decision. Part of me wants that right now, but that’s also what sets this show apart from the rest.



Derek Orr

It wasn't her deleting her own memory...she was ordering the centurion to delete all memories of being order to kill her. She is experiencing visions in the space between life and death and wants to keep going back to that space over and over and over.....but she doesn't want the rest of the Cylons to think she is going crazy


Thanks! I don't think that was particularly clear in the episode because I still didn't get it when I was editing and rewatching those scenes. It is made clear in the episodes I watched today.