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I wasn’t quite prepared for such a heavy examination of genocide this week. Choices were made and as always it seems like our humanity might be hanging in the balance. Why is this show so good?




One awkward bit of writing here is that with the previous episode establishing Tigh as a drunk wreck who's going to need some time to get back to something approaching his old self, he wasn't available for what would be the obvious role of the most anti-Cylon person in the debate about the morality of the virus plan. So instead that role is given to Lee, and they don't even seem to try to make the lines fit with his characterization rather than Tigh's. Luckily, the rest of the script is strong enough that it's easy to overlook.


Definitely would have been Tigh's role, but would it have sounded as reasonable coming from him? I don't know. Great episode though.