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The Slitheen are back and I never could have anticipated this return would bring with it some very interesting questions and possibly the most in depth look yet at the Doctor, how he operates, and even the T.A.R.D.I.S.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/yC1T0vCqxLM 




There's this really weird thing where every time it's brought up in an interview or commentary, seemingly every single person involved with the show thinks the Slitheen are these super deep, complex, and even sympathetic characters, and whatever there is in the scripts that gives that impression, it just never seems to come across onscreen. The closest it gets is an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures with a Slitheen child on his first hunt, since he hasn't actually hurt anyone yet and there's some genuine affection between him and his parents, but otherwise we're just left with these unrepentant murderers doing it all out of pure greed, and this episode in particular somehow expects us to feel bad that one of them is facing a harsh punishment for it. So I've never really been able to get onboard with it, and the only really interesting part is getting to see Jack Harkness on his first regular TARDIS trip.


It definitely felt like the show was asking me to be upset that she would receive the death penalty which I thought was an interesting choice. Curious to see the future episodes and will definitely be interested to keep this in mind. I'm still a little unsure on the differences between the Slitheen family and then actual alien race.


Can I just say, thank you! Most people jump all over Rose and blame her for how Mickey's feeling and acting now. I'm not saying she didn't do things the wrong way in this series. But she has every right in this moment to be angry with Mickey. It was a jerk move on his part and it pisses me off that he always gets a pass here. You are the first reactor who saw this issue in the episode. I also agree that she didn't give him much consideration throughout the previous episodes. But that doesn't excuse Mickey's behavior here. I appreciate the open-mindedness and thoughtful insights in this series so far. Love your reactions.


It's pretty well suspected that Davies forgot it was just a family name and not the whole species.


I always try (to a fault really) to see all sides of a situation and this is a case where I kind of felt like they were both pretty clearly in the wrong. Rose should have been more considerate about how her actions affected Mickey and this man sure shouldn't have invited her to a hotel room when he knows good and well he is dating another girl. Love this show!


Exactly! I'm one that seeks to understand why people do what they do and to understand every angle before I choose sides. This show has been a literal life saver for me

Thine Tiny Equine

Recommend a rename, 3x11 scared me. This is 1x11


So being in season 3 of BSG doesn’t mean it’s season 3 for all shows? Thank you for pointing it out. I’m not sure I ever would have noticed!

Emily Smith

I don't blame you for being confused as to their relationship. Frankly, I think they were confused as to what their relationship was - at least what it was when she decided to travel. They never got the opportunity to discuss the consequences of it and Mickey was just left alone to deal with it. And yes, Rose is TOTALLY a flirt! But don't worry about Mickey or Rose. They remain friends and in a beautiful, masterful and weird way - everyone gets a happy (?) ending.

Herbert Joseph

Who builds a nuclear power station in the middle of the city? Where they using some kind of mind control?