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The one time Quintin Tarantino adapted a book resulting in an interesting film following the incredible Jackie Brown in a battle of wits.  Fascinating film and I was definitely questioning all kinds of things throughout. 



g g gooding

To "answer" one of your early questions: Bridget Fonda (granddaughter of Juror #8) was likely fine with Tarantino filming her feet a bit too much. She's married to Danny Elfman, so it's fair to presume she's down with WAY kinkier bednastics than her feet being looked at. (Watch a few Oingo Boingo videos [Elfman's 80's band] and you'll see what I mean.) 🤨🫣😳


Robert Forster was a highly prolific character actor since the '60s, rarely getting a major role but always fondly received when he showed up. This movie got him his only Oscar nomination (losing to Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting), and he's probably best known these days for one of his final roles as Ed the Cleaner in the Breaking Bad-verse, appearing exactly once in each part of the franchise and kicking ass every time. He actually died on the very same day that El Camino was released.


Oh! I meant to mention I really liked the presence he brought. He felt like an actor from a different era, so I'm not surprised he was acting in the 60s. Breaking Bad is one I want to watch. I'm so torn between doing a poll for whatever I watch after BSG or just watching Breaking Bad. I just know if I do a poll It'll be short series + breaking bad with me hoping it wins 😅


Yep. Best known for scoring all of Tim Burton’s films except Ed Wood (they had a brief falling out over the Batman Returns score so Howard Shore did it) and Sweeney Todd (since it was an adaptation of a stage musical).


It's probably clear by now just how much Tarantino loves bringing in older actors who never quite got a big break in their prime.

g g gooding

Forster is equally Legend with Pam Grier...but shes remembed more cause hot, badass, chick which... fair. Both are one step from 🍎 and 🥓, so Im not gonna bother. Mmmm. Apple bacon.

g g gooding

Meet Danny Elfman, composer of The Simpsons theme and Bridget Fonda's snugglebunny: https://youtu.be/yuxss1kBQWw?si=GxhNvsvcdKMTssR7