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I’m not 100% sure what I watched other than maybe, “Which came first the chicken of the egg: The Movie”. It was interesting, at times disturbing, but mostly just something to try and break my brain.



g g gooding

Kelvin - thank you for your selection yet again. Chris - thank you for your service. I'm *very* curious to watch this with ya. I suspect you had several similar shots of yourself to pick from for the thumbnail.


I don't have anything super specific about the movie itself except to say that in terms of the inspirations for this one it's very King-y but also as g gooding mentioned influenced by the works of Lovecraft. All the stuff about Old Gods rising again (and being things that will wipe us out in the process), as well as New England towns, and characters being changed in body and mind to bad ends is very much his work. Also in terms of potential connections, I saw this one some time after 1408, but it still made my ears perk up (then and now) to hear "We've Only Just Begun" play on the intercom. In case you didn't remember, that song in particular was a rather prominent piece of music playing during the "looping back" in 1408, so I always wonder if that was 1408 referencing this movie or just a fun coincidence. On a similar note the looping back in that movie also reminds me of that concept in this one. Although perhaps that's just a fun concept for works like this in general! There's a very natural followup movie in terms of what I like to call the "Sam Neill having a bad time" set of movies which I wasn't sure if I was going to feature next, but seeing how much fun this one was, and some definition of fun with Possession right before this, I might just request that next for the full 3 out of 3. This trilogy, by the way, is why Sam Neill as a horror actor has supplanted Alan Grant from Jurassic Park in my mind when I think of him. He's just the man for me in these kinds of films (and at least decent in another horror movie which I saw for him which was otherwise largely middling). Also gotta say I'm a sucker for the tagline for this one: "Lived any good books lately?"


Love the potential conncetions there. I definitely forgot about that song from 1408 so thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to seeing the third sam neil installment should you go that way. That tag line is top tier, I won't likely forget it anytime soon.