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A hostage situation with one very clear demand and some severe consequences. This is the first episode of the series that really left me feeling a bit divided at the end.




For as nice as Billy always seemed, apparently his actor Paul Campbell was a very different story. He never made any secret of how he saw the show as just a stepping stone to something more “prestigious” (meaning non-science fiction), and refused to ever give a clear idea of whether he’d be available for a particular episode, which is why his and Dee’s romance has hardly ever been touched on after the early episodes made such a big deal about it. Unlike other early characters like Boxey who were simply dropped without ceremony when they didn’t work out as hoped, Moore had so much trust in Billy’s potential that he was kept around, hoping that Campbell would eventually realize what a good thing he had. But finally he took a main cast role in an upcoming pilot and had to be killed off…and in a Twilight Zone-esque twist, that other pilot wasn’t picked up and he was left without either job.


Apparently there were several scenes filmed of Dee getting closer to Lee to shift them together instead, but almost all of them ended up being cut.


Boxey didn't work out because he hit his growth spurt and puberty and started looking a lot different, when the show had only progressed a few weeks from the Cylon attack... so he was dropped as his story was more fan-service than central to the plot.


No Spoilers Here! Having seen all of this when it originally aired, I can say that the black market episode and this one were my least favorites of the entire series. So don't worry Chris, no more "just ok" episodes from here on out.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

It's very common with TV series that when an actor is "frustrated" (a kind word for it) that the show isn't doing much with their character (or frustrated with the show itself), and they search for greener pastures, the solution is, most of the time, to kill them off -- but to do so in an episode that really makes use of the character! Like hey, you could have written this kind of story earlier and maybe the actor would have stuck around! It kinda sucks, but it is what it is, and BSG has too many main players to give big storylines to the secondary characters with any kind of regularity. After S1, the actors were free agents -- no one had signed a multi-year contract at that point. So yeah, as Ryan says, Paul Campbell did go book a pilot between S1 an S2, and the writers were like, if we don't know when we can have you, we can't write storylines. At that point production had had the cast sign multi-year contracts, and Campbell just wasn't interested, so they killed Billy. And to be fair, in a show like BSG, there really isn't another way to get rid of a character -- they can't go take another job, or move out of town, or something. (Campbell has since admitted that he regrets his decision.) SPOILERS (cut/paste into rot13.com): Vg'f n funzr, jvguva gur fgbel ng yrnfg, orpnhfr gur erirny bs Gbel Sbfgre nf bar bs gur Svany Svir jnf fhpu n "jung" zbzrag, jura vs vg unq orra Ovyyl, ubyl fuvg gung jbhyq unir orra uhtr naq unq fbzr znwbe ercrephffvbaf.