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This was a hard watch. Very well done. 




I remember there was a lot of controversy when this film came out, as a lot of people were questioning if five years was enough time for making a movie about 9/11 to be appropriate. And it didn't help that Paul Greengrass wasn't exactly known as the most highbrow director, having recently done The Bourne Supremacy which made him one of the most notorious over-users of the dreaded "shaky cam." But that style actually fits this material perfectly, capturing the sheer confusion of the day's early hours when no one had a solid idea what was going on. It was definitely the right move to not identify any of the passengers by name despite us knowing them all and a few becoming particularly well known, emphasizing that these were just a bunch of regular folks who had no idea what they'd be stepping into, or that they'd be immortal heroes. Even the famous recorded shout of "Let's roll" is presented as just a minor part of the sound mix as they prepare their counterattack, so you'd only catch it if you're deliberately listening for it. And t's probably not a coincidence that when Greengrass followed the film with The Bourne Ultimatum, people were generally a lot kinder to it than they'd been to Supremacy, now that they knew he had a movie like this in him. I'm at Newark Airport fairly regularly, and the gate the flight left from is still a highly revered site, with a plaque calling it "the place where the heroes of United 93 touched the ground for the last time."