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This episode has created a paradox inside of me. On one hand there is the part of me continually trying to humanize the Cylons, while they simultaneously continue to show us how inhumane they truly are. FANTASTIC EPISODE.

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The episode where the crew realizes they haven't given us a single new Cylon reveal since the miniseries, so they might want to start filling out those eight spots. And while some fans found it a letdown that it's this completely new guy rather than someone we already know, at least we get a top notch horror story to really put him over as a worthy addition to the ranks. The smartest thing the episode does is have Starbuck just as skeptical of the situation as we are right from the start, rather than making us wait for her to catch up to us, which is one of the most annoying things a story can do (unless you're deliberately using it to raise tension, like the last 20 minutes of Across the Spiderverse does so incredibly well). Add in the show finally leaving Caprica behind, and this was one of the most exciting episodes we'd had in a while.

Brina Blue

And season two keeps giving! I love how Adama is showing two sides here, his overwhelming feeling of loss for Boomer the person, yet on the other hand, the total non personhood that goes along with Calle's sentence of 30 days for ending her life. It would take a lot more than religious conviction plus wanting democracy back to go along with the president. I can't imagine wanting to be far away from a cap of vipers and a battlestar in a location that the Cylons already know about, but maybe that's just me!


I am firmly on the side of I don’t want any people we know to be revealed to be a cylon (with one exception). I’m sure there likely are, but I think it will hurt so I’m very happy to reveal one in this manor. Plus we can keep an eye out for him in the fleet now. 👏


Absolutely a powerful demonstration of Adama justice. He can grieve his loss and show mercy. You’ve got a great point there. This is why we need Adama and Roslyn on the same side. She has no military strategy. 😅