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When watching a South Korean film, the rule is to throw out all expectations. I’m always surprised and this was no exception. What a fascinating film with a story I’m still not 100% how to feel about. Would I watch it again? Absolutely!

Thanks Kelvin for this selection!

*I watched this on Amazon Prime Video




Ooh can’t wait. I’m a fan of the way they portrayed the character in this one, it’s the biggest thing that keeps me coming back to the movie. Well that and the way it feels so familiar from the building blocks it uses and still kinda it’s own thing.


Dope reaction, I think you picked up pretty much everything the movie was putting down. Mad long post coming: -The ambiguity with Ja-Yoon's character is definitely something that I like a bunch. In fact I think this might be one of the movies that clued me in to just being a fan of that kind of characterization. I really like the multiple layers of "subversion" in the way the movie takes her arc. The first obvious layer is the "amnesiac hero who is pursued by shadowy organization, reawakens to her power, beats everyone because she's so special and strong" was actually done pretty well I think. A lot of movies stop there. The next level is the fun twist, which establishes her as this hidden threat. It's really cool of course, and I like it a lot bc a lot of the amnesiac hero stories can kind of feel for me like "well if the villains had gone a little harder/the hero hadn't been so darn lucky the movie would have ended". But because she *knew* what was going on and planned all this it takes her character out from just someone in the wrong place who kind of falls into the plot into solidly something that gives her agency. She's not falling into any traps; she set the traps. She's been her own character the whole time. It's also fun because it taps into the whole "watching the slasher villain just destroy everyone" thing and because as I think you'll find if I keep doing requests here I just like, I like role reversals and antiheroes lol. But I think the third layer is probably the most important, the one where she goes back to her parents and gives up lifesaving medicine for her mom, and the one where her dad confirms that she didn't just leave the facility and miraculously get cured of being this genetically engineered killing machine and all. So really, I think in terms of whether she's the girl who wants to save her parents and live with them or whether she's this crazed, sometimes psychotic, superhuman killer, she's a strange mixture of both, which I enjoy a bunch. It makes for a more dynamic character, and it really kind of leaves her story open to more possibilities in any sequels. And I think it also restores importance back to her parents and her relationships she made while growing up which might be lost when she sheds her cover and goes wild. That scene shows that her parent's love did save her I think, and it was the only reason she didn't melt down and become like the kids who got raised by the scientists. In fact I think the movie shows enough to me that I think if she hadn't gotten that loving hand she'd have been like, one of the worst kids lol, because we are literally seeing the best version of her possible and she's still fucking terrifying. -The other reason I like this movie so much is as I think I mentioned it feels very familiar in a way that is easy to draw so many parallels and references to. I'm basically at the point now where I've grown up with superhero films and fare but I'm pretty damn bored with Marvel/DC, so for me a thing like this is seeing a film that's familiar to some of the things like that but feels at least to me like a pretty different product. Like the lab/experiments really remind me of some scenes from the X-men films/Logan, but in a more twisted/explicit/different direction. The whole being raised by kind parents on a farm just feels very Superman to me, while still bringing its own twist to things (she *is* saved by them the way Superman is, but it's mixed in not only with the whole "loving nurture beating out genetically engineered killing nature" thing but also with the fact that she *found* them and chose them to save her). Stuff like that just really tickles my brain I don't know what to say lol -Unfortunately in terms of sequels, imo if I'm viewing this film as sort of a different take on the early X-men films, the sequel that comes after and released last year is like an X-men film from much later on. It has a lot of the same elements as this film, but is way, way worse in a couple ways and it was just frustrating for me to watch, not least of which because there was a contractual issue with the actress for this film I think and they could not get her for the sequel so the next film does not have much of her in it. The only good thing I can say comparing that film to this is that the action in the sequel is even more off the chain. Like the worst fight in that film is maybe on par with the last fight here it is nuts. But it can't really make up for everything else imo. I'm not saying don't watch it but I won't want to use my request slot for it.


Also fun facts: -There's a lot of actual eating in this movie. I think I heard most films don't do actual food consumption for the reason that ended up happening in this film, which is that during the egg scene they had to keep doing takes and they later said that between them they had to eat like 90 eggs lol -Not sure if you recognized him, but the main antagonist guy from this film was Kevin from Parasite! -And finally, the main actress here and her rival would later about 3 years later star together as the main protagonists and lovers in a tv show called Our Beloved Summer, so this film sometimes gets new viewers from people who love that show to watch the two on screen together for the first time lol

g g gooding

I like this movie too. 's all I got to say.

g g gooding

🤗 Bit verbose, Kelvin, but I LOVE your passion! And you covered everything I thought, so: Aces! And to reiterate one of your points from a different view - superhero movies have left "Nerd" and become "Cool". Cool is cliche, by definition. Which Marvel movie does what? Slow motion sky-beam fight! Back when they were "nerd"...they were really cool! (IE they took risks, they subverted expectations, they were wacky and off-brand, '93 Super Mario is a living nightmare...kinda like The Witch!) Truly: cheers, Kelvin, for your thoughts. I look forward to hearing you again.


Thanks! I agree with all these comments. This is why I found myself appreciating sone of the earlier films in the genre a bit more on rewatches just bc they are so wild in some ways even though they obviously are working with less in sone ways with regards to budget or scope. Funny thing about this movie is that even though this is now one of my favorites is that on my first time watching it I actually wasn’t much of a fan until the action pops off. I was told to expect John wick action but that’s really not what this movie is going for so I was frustrated waiting for it the whole time and couldn’t appreciate it. The power of expectations I suppose. That’s why when I recommend it to people now I try to highlight the mystery part more than that lol.

g g gooding

I forget who I mention this to, so if I'm repeating - sorry. There's a 1992 live-action Hong Kong "superhero" flick called Wicked City (in the 80's a Japanime was made from the same source, which is good, but not...) It's a glorious circus of old school effects, which I think(?) you dig, Kelvin. And its also curious for the Japanese story being filtered through Chinese sensors. It's certainly a curiosity, but a *SUPER FUN* one. If you can find a copy, it certainly won't be boring...and I don't want to say anything further in case you have an inclination to go in blind.


Huh, I may just check that out, thanks. Never one to turn down something like that

g g gooding

To reiterate, NOT the '87 animated version - which is easy to locate. The '92 Hong-Kong version is illusive to find - seems like ebay DVDs of it are all $35+!


Very well thought out! I think my favorite element is the giving up some of her medicine for her mom. At that point I was really questioning who she was and what she would do, so it was great to see that she truly cared for her parents and a lot could be open to interpretation and fan theories. Shame the sequel isn't as great, but definitely don't use a slow for a subpar film lol! Thanks again for picking this one.


I didn't "recognize him" but he felt familiar. I love that I've seen two movies with Song Kang-ho and two with Choi Woo-sik.