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We’re back with another lethal weapon flick and what a ride! The story here might be a touch weaker, but the action set pieces incredible! I enjoyed it just as much as the first two.

Full Length Reaction: https://youtu.be/0njNHNnwuxE 



g g gooding

I really look forward to watching the edit, whenever it's available. <p>Unrelated to Mel Gibson, I really appreciate all your updates coming precisely at 7am (my time). My alarm is set for 7:45, but my phone dinging at 7 most days has resulted in me getting up early and getting a jump! Thanks, Chris, for the random, unintended help!</p>


This film managed to age both the best and worst of the whole series. On the negative side, it has the absolute worst cases of our supposed heroes using their law authority to screw with innocent civilians for their own amusement, which is now impossible to laugh at when we have a much better idea of how often real cops do that shit. But on the other hand, it has a remarkably positive depiction of Internal Affairs, from a time when the general portrayal of that institution was still very much "idiot pencil pushers who just want to make life harder for the blameless holy creatures that are policemen," and the film doesn't shy away at all from the fact that the villain is himself a former cop.


haha oh no! Definitely not my intent to wake anyone up, BUT I'm glad you appreciate the help lol. I can't wait to get the edit out there. I'm falling behind a bit. I have *THREE* ready to go, but they keep getting manual claims so... I won't even have a video to release tomorrow. Oh well.


That is true all around. I was caught off guard by some of their choices in this one, but of course it was made quite a while ago and it would have hit different then.