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As we get ready to start a new month I am filled with excitement and gratitude! 

Excitement, because I'm loving the lineup of films we have for me to watch for the first time, and one that I'm revisiting for the first time since childhood. LISTEN, if I'm going to watch a string of horror movies, you can bet I'm throwing in E.T. in the middle so I don't go crazy. 

Gratitude, because of your support, so THANK YOU 3000 and beyond for being here, offering input, support, and encouragement, and for simply watching my reactions. 

OK here's what's coming on patreon! (of course, all of this is somewhat flexible)

Full Length Reactions:  The Way Way Back, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Rebel Without a Cause, Alien V Predator, Thor: Love & Thunder, Dawn of the Dead, First Flick poll winner, Alien Vs Predator: Requiem, E.T. Extra Terrestial, The Shining, Horror Poll Winner, Gas Light, Get Out

Early Access: Hacksaw Ridge, The Social Network, Whiplash, The Way Way Back, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Rebel Without a Cause, Alien V Predator, first flick poll winner, Dawn of the Dead, Alien Vs Predator: Requiem, E.T. The Extra Terrestrial

Plus Patreon Exclusive: Driving Ms Daisy & 2 polls (first flick & horror)


Also if you're curious about a change I've made in my video production take a look at this quick two-minute video: https://youtu.be/D4Ih3nsbrK8 

And let me know what is one thing you've been learning / growing in lately.


g g gooding

Oh! Cuckoo's Nest and The Shining being close together will be an interesting contrast. Mostly for the very obvious reason,...but also for some subtle ones. Which are ya seeing first?


Cuckoo’s first. Editing it now, in fact! Mostly they are in order, baring some significant change. Although I’m a bit hesitant with one flew over, cause I didn’t exactly love it. I didn’t think it’s bad or anything, I just never felt connected to it. Will release to super on Saturday.

g g gooding

Cuckoo's an amazing film...but I don't enjoy watching it. I connect with Chief, somewhat...but it feels like, as McMurphy says, "washing your underwear in public". It's uncomfortably "real"...like a reality show done truthfully. And real life is disappointing, unfair, unforgiving, and ends without any point, mostly. I've got too much of that each day; don't need to see it manifest, only worse. <p>But...I bet I'd have a shot at ripping that sink out and smashing to freedom. I'm strong like She-Hulk! Gimme a chance! Where's the sink?</p>


I think anyone with a little more strength than me and a touch more strategy than Jack used could beast the thing haha.

g g gooding

Ya gotta wiggle it to break the pipes; not just pull. Bit of strategy, indeed!<p>Curious: did you note the many faces in the film? I'll do a Cameo Count (which no one seems to care about) but lordy...there's a lotta folks in that flick. Ja Love Brad Dourif for example: Lord of the Rings, Deadwood, Chucky, Dune, and *much* etc.</p>