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What could have been a Close Encounters of the Third Kind rip-off is much more! I was surprised by this one. A well scripted, and inventive sci-fi film that was incredibly thought provoking.

Full length reaction: https://youtu.be/LUM7fuMJLSQ

YouTube Edit: https://youtu.be/mbJNrWBmN3s 



g g gooding

Brain-farted at first (why would you watch Arrival?; it's as dumb as a box of hair) and then my synapses fired.<p> The Arrival (1996) could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Yeah, Charlie Sheen is a scientist...sure, and I'm Eleanor Roosevelt, reincarnated. </p><p>VERY oddly, the two unrelated movies...mostly have the same plot. Curioser and curioser, I guess.</p>

David Olden

So glad you were finally able to see this, Chris. Close Encounters of the Third Kind locked me in as a Steven Spielberg fan for life. Arrival did the same for me for Denis Villeneuve.


I didn’t event realize other films had the same name haha. I suspect the two are very different in almost every way expect for a premise of alien arrival.