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I've heard so many different opinions on this film, all while avoiding 99% of spoilers and it was worth the wait. I probably lowered my expectations more than if I hadn't heard mixed reviews and that worked to my favor. It's not my favorite Marvel film of all time, but I enjoyed it a lot more than the first Doctor Strange film.


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Full Length Reaction

Thank you for supporting me on Patreon. *Full lengths are posted in a watch-along style format so you will need your own copy of the episode/movie to watch along. **I watched this film on Disney Plus



Watched this last night. Not sure if you are familiar with Raimi’s other work, The Evil Dead series. This was basically Evil Dead 4 and it made me enjoy this just a tiny bit more. The Evil Dead camera angles and shots. Love Raimi when he’s allowed to just go for it


I also like this was paced more like a horror movie than an action movie.. it was a nice change


I've HEARD of the evil dead, but haven't dove in yet. I'm also heard I should start with evil dead 2... thoughts? Of course I mostly know Raimi from Spider-man haha.


I was going to comment. Evil dead 1 was a college film project. Evil dead 2 is basically a remake of 1 with the budget Raimi wanted. Then the 3rd is Army of Darkness which is one of the most quotable movies ever and makes lots of call backs to old sci fi you will get. So yeah. You can 100000% skip the first one. But 2 and 3 make Dr Strange 2 so much better. The guy that was beating him self up (Bruce Campbell)was the lead in the Evil Dead franchise and Raimi gives him a cameo in every film lol.

g g gooding

I didn't know this was from Raimi! MCU's not ma thang, but "Evil Dead 4" hooks me! Drag Me to Hell and Darkman are my jam! I'm in!<p> Bet it'll be twice as fun to first-time watch this "with" Chris! Cheers, Webwyrm!</p>


If you do watch it, I'm REAL curious how this film hits (assuming here) not seeing recent MCU outings such as WandaVision.


I agree with Chris on this, GG. While I called this Evil dead 4 it is still a MCU movie with MCU continuity, but this totally felt like an homage to Evil Dead. I’m curious to see how it hits as well

g g gooding

Only MCU flick I've seen is Ironman 1...so I understand this isn't intended for me. (I've seen the TV show Legion and I LOVE, LOVE it...but I guess it don't count.) I know the broad strokes from culture...I vaguely know what goes in WandaVision. <p>But, yeah. I'll miss a lot of jokes, for sho. My perspective will be very outside. Hopefully I have fun, and Chris will be my "guide"!</p>

g g gooding

I'll watch it on Saturday. If I don't like it...I won't be a long-winded jerk like I was with that other movie. Eh...Forget it. It's Chinatown. <p>(tho I LOVE the remake of Chinatown: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? That's ma jam!)</p>


I watched this again last night with Chris’s full reaction. It was fun. I think watching Evil Dead will make the last 40 minutes of this more enjoyable Chris. There was a LOT of evil dead tribute especially in the last 20 minutes or so. And GG I agree. I think you may miss some context, but I think you will still enjoy this. And if you don’t.. I know you will enjoy they filming and aesthetics. And also couldn’t agree more. Who framed Rodger Rabbit is an amazing movie.. still ahead of its time

g g gooding

Gentleman...just watched. Lord have mercy...it was FUN! <p> Raimi can tell jokes...and I got the ones that I didn't get. Dig? Rather than complain ('cause I GOT complaints, but complaint's ain't fun...)</p><p>Webwyrm: see Cast a Deadly Spell (1991 made-for-HBO). You'll be happy about it. </p><p>Chris, watch the TV Legion, I've said before. This draws from it, watch it blind. I know you don't do TV shows anymore...but maybe record yourself watching EP 1...just in case.</p><p>I really enjoyed this, not knowing anything and barely keeping up. Raimi is the tops! </p>


Groovy!!! Lol! I’m so glad you enjoyed. I knew you would enjoy the technical aspects. But I’m pleased you had a good experience . There is a ton of back story. Like 47186 million movie/tv series worth of back story lol. And holy crap. Cast A Deadly Spell. I had to google it because I knew I had seen it. I’m definitely gonna have to rewatch it. I sure I haven’t seen it again since close to its release lol

g g gooding

Side note Wyrm: Cast A Deadly Spell, surprisingly, had a sequel, Witch Hunt. (It's got *some* juice but ultimately disappointing - don't bother.)

g g gooding

And Chris...like I told you last year when I first signed up...The Hudsucker Proxy is *the* new years eve movie. And now it'll matter to you: cowritten by Sam Raimi. Watch it for New Years Eve this year! Bonus: might be one of your favorite movies, ever (seriously).

g g gooding

Oh ..very, very Right, Webwyrm. Raimi mixing in "out-of-date" effects (ahem) effectively was boss! I happily giggled at him being himself.


Any time they let Raimi be Raimi good thing usually follow. I loved the use of all his trademark techniques. Love that stutter zoom in effect he uses.


lol I will definitely watch Legion at some point! Glad you enjoyed the film. It's a unique one in that it is in so many ways embodies all the big budget superhero stereotypes, but also goes to some very different places as well. The MCU is teetering on being "too much" for me personally right now. I prefer simple stories that slowly build connections, but it's ventured into some pretty convoluted territory and with the disney plus shows is almost overwhelming for me just the sheer amount of content. But at its core I'm still enjoying it.

g g gooding

I've pushed Legion a lot...it is a simple story that slowly builds connections...well, no it's *not* simple. But it *is* about identity and relationships and there are *no* sky beams. And if you don't know who Legion is from marvel comics; that's ideal. It might be what you're looking for, Chris...says a complete non-fan of current comic book movies. So...