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As March comes to a close I'm feeling particularly grateful for this season of life. I've learned so much and it feels good to be slowly working further ahead on my release schedule, a real stress reliever for me. 

I'm also thankful for your role in supporting CNR. If you're in for the long haul, or you stopped by for a specific perk and are moving on THANK YOU so much for being here! 

I would love for our little community to get to know each other a bit better so if you feel comfortable let us know: 1. What would you like to be called (name, username, something else entirely)? 2. Share with us a hobby or two. 3. Share any interesting thing you'd like.

Keep an eye out in the near future for reactions to War Games, The Batman (2022), Silenced (for real this time), Sunshine and of course upcoming polls, Classic films, first flick, under the radar, and Disney +

I'll also be giving you ad free early release access to select videos more often. 

Thanks again for being here! Please never hesitate to comment or message any suggestions to improve the Patreon experience or suggestions for upcoming polls!


Let's Get To Know Each Other + April Sneak Peek & A Glimpse in the Studio

Thanks so much for your support on Patreon!



Hey Chris. You can call me Nick. I'm a lifetime Michigander. I'm a computer programmer whose job doesn't give me enough time for all the hobbies I have. My main hobbies are playing my guitars (badly) and basketball (weather permitting). My other hobbies, when I find the time, are playing board games, video games (I have so many video games I haven't played yet it's ridiculous), photography, astrophotography, a pile of books I'm trying to get through (I love history and political economy). I would love to start drawing and painting again, which I did a long time ago. Movie-wise I can get pretty obsessive. Last count my brother and I share a collection of around 4000 movies. While I like many movies from all eras and genres, my all time favorite movies are from the 30s. Lately I've been getting into silent movies as well. I used to be a huge fan of movies from the 70s and still am to a large degree. Oh yeah, I go by NoLegalPlunder on Youtube.


Nick! Those are some AWESOME hobbies. I guess music is a hobby as well, I just have t touched it in a few years haha. 4000 is incredible. I think the 30s is a period I haven’t even touched yet, or at least minimally! Looking forward to eventually making my way there.

g g gooding

Howdy, Nick! 2 recent discoveries for me that you might dig: Stormy Weather and Cabin in the Sky (both 1943). Studios at the time made these for black audiences - so much lower budgets than "white" musicals and then casts of god-leveled skill performers, 'cause oppressed folks gots to work way harder and be better. The result is shockingly good movies. Look em up!


Hey thanks g g. I'm familiar with both movies though I haven't seen them yet as I'm not the biggest fan of musicals. That being said, I'll move them higher on my must-see list as your recommendation makes me think I might be missing out. I love Lena Horne anyway.

g g gooding

If it matters to my suggestion: I'm not a fan of *most* musicals. Not into Sondheim and I actively hate Webber. Whereas Phantom of the Paradise or Head are top-top!! (Singin'in the Rain is fine. Grease can burn in hell.)


Oh wow, Phantom of the Paradise is one of my all time favorites. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve watched it. Paul Williams is a genius. Will definitely put Stormy Weather and Cabin in the Sky on my must-see list. Thanks for the heads up.


Howdy all! I'm a recent subscriber, but frequent watcher before. My name is Ron and I live in Boston. I'm 50 years old (how did that happen?!) and happily married. Hubby and I have been together 29 years, 16 of them married (how did that happen?!) As a kid, I read a lot, and listened to 'old radio' show' adaptations of films of the time. I adore pre-code films of the late 20's /early 30's (the fashions are AMAZING!). I like old films with stars such as Joan Blondell, (early) Joan Crawford (I cry EVERY TIME I watch 'Sadie McKee'), and Barbra Stanwyck. I adore foreign films, and 'weird' films (The 4th Man, Toto the Hero), I enjoy Russ Meyer films and trashy B-movies, and avant garde indie films and everything in between. I'm drawn to this channel by the diversity of your viewing choices. And you clearly enjoy discovering these wonderful films. I look forward to seeing what you have in store. (and I will vote for 'All About Eve' in every poll it comes up in...so be ready. LOL) Nice to 'meet' you all. I'm reading the responses above mine, and enjoying the variety of opinions and voices. I clearly chose the right place to join.


Welcome! It is often I think surprising how ti e keeps ticking moving both slowly, yet so much faster than we realize. I love how you classify your movie taste, seems more honest than most. Glad you appreciate the diversity, I enjoy bouncing around. I feel like it keeps things fresh and helps me maintain a higher interest. All About Eve did well in the last poll it was in, so your voice could very well be a tipping point!