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Another film that with more heart than I anticipated. This was a tense and emotional journey that left me completely satisfied.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/r3gkvhQzwtM




To answer what I'm sure is everyone's first question when they see this movie, yes, the Simpsons character Frank Grimes had already been around for five years when this movie came out. And there's no way the movie took that long to make, so I have no idea how apparently no one ever thought maybe they should change that name to avoid hysterical laughter every time it's mentioned. It got mostly negative reviews at the time, but as the issues of the health care system have gotten more attention over the years, a lot of people have been saying it didn't deserve that. The trailers also did it no favors by giving the impression that John immediately jumps to holding the staff hostage rather than showing his numerous attempts to raise money before this desperate last resort, meaning a lot of people stayed away just at the idea of being asked to root for someone like that. The writer has also revealed that his original script was much more of a faith-based movie, with John's religious faith ultimately being rewarded after going through a Job-like ordeal, but the studio had most of that taken out. I won't comment on whether that was the right decision; everyone just make up their own minds.


It's interesting. At the time this came out, i remember how impactful it was and everyone I knew around me was talking about it. I had no sense that it wasn't considered a box office success at the time. Everyone I know in my immediate circle who's seen it since then tells me that they love this movie and it always sparks a discussion. When John turns the walkie-talkie off - "Nooo! No! Noo!" ... Pretty much the exact reaction of *every* person in the theater when I saw this for the first time 😆