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What a dark tale. The stuff of fantasies and nightmares. This is a special film and Ofelia is 100% a princess.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/bU18YjTVqs8



Charity Konusser (the chonus)

My then-boyfriend and I saw this opening day in the theater. I still remember the gasps right after she says "No," followed by heavy silence. Nobody got up to leave when it was over--we all just sat as the credits rolled. I was so shocked and stunned and sad, especially because I had been so transported by the beauty and creativity of the film that I was 100% immersed, but I was also elated and delighted and joyful. I kept thinking about how one movie can do all of those things for weeks and weeks after seeing it. Magical realism is possibly my favorite genre (The Fall, Stranger than Fiction, Birdman, the Paddington movies, Synecdoche New York, The Science of Sleep, so many others) and this movie hits that bullseye.


This is definitely a movie that leaves you feeling a bit stunned. That's a great word for it. Also, thanks for the reminder I need to watch Birdman.'