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I'm still thinking on a better title hmm (update: that will do lmao)

Anyway, here it is!

I'll post it in a few hours on Twitter.



That Guy

Have you just given up on the korra drive


Sadly, yeah. When i first made it my art style was changing fast and that slowed down the process a lot, i ended up feeling burnt out. The third part was almost done. I think i still have all 8 sketches laying around, i should probably post that here at least 🤔

That Guy

Possible idea, maybe you could do the third part as the final part and count all the likes and what not that the part 2 posts have collected, something different from what you normally do but could be a fun challenge


Huh, that would be a fun way to wrap it up. Though, I'm not sure, the final part is a huge immobile blob Korra lol

That Guy

Like I said something a little (I understand the irony of the wording) different from what you normally do


Just a little 🤔 I'll keep it in mind. Like honestly, the whole drive is great, that Korra is the biggest I've ever drawn. I just wish i had the abaolute willpower to finish it.


Man, I know that this is a weight gain drive, but absolutely phenomenal work on her abs. I can't wait to see them get covered in blubber, hehe~


Thank you!! I tried a quick watercolor type of shade and i loved how it turned out. Maybe drawing abs is easier than fat lol