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Thank you to all the new patrons here! I have been having able to put more and more time here as time goes and it's so amazing, I can't thank you all for your help! It felt like forever since I've found myself to be able to just free draw more openly. 

Anyways! Monthly I ask what you'd like to see more of or any suggestions other things you'd like to see from me! I wanna have a more open exchange with everyone here so there's more fun on both sides.
Please let me here those suggestions! :D



Werefelines, please. :3


Even when other artists ask for suggestions I feel like I'm encroaching, but honestly just your OCs doing things, hanging out, character stuff y'know :P


oooo seconded would love to see a weretiger in your style


I would honestly love to see more Spencer. ^^; I can't seem get enough of that pup.