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Hey Guys, Just wanted to come on here and thank you for 2000 Patreons (It doesn't say it now because pledges were processed but I saw that we hit it!) Thank you so much for supporting me and having a blast over here together! 

Currently filming Reactions right now so stay tuned for uploads coming soon on here!! Once again thank you for being so kind and patient. Means the world to me! 

Also I'm starting a new show since i just finished Skz Code!! DRUMROLL....How are we feeling about EXO LADDER??? S1 & S2 ???? I Kind of want to prepare for S3 Since it might be uploaded on Youtube maybe and if not i still want to watch S1 & S2...YAY!

$10 Tier get ready because we'll be watching "Itaewon Class" because that's what won the poll! SO EXCITED! Stay Tuned hehehehe (Might be a sec for uploads to air but I'm be filming them so i'll let you know!!) 

I think thats all! thank you once again and I love you all! โค๏ธ 






congrats caitlin!! i hope school is treating u well in b/n all the comebacks & reactions! & i know a lot of ppl are suggesting that u start off w season 2 of exo ladder first since it has almost all of the members, but personally i think watching chronologically from season 1 would be for the best! not only will u understand the season 1 references when u watch season 2, but i think u would rly enjoy season 1 especially bc xiumin noticeably speaks a lot more than he does in season 2, & itโ€™s just overall a very charming & lovely show :โ€™) i suppose it rly just depends on which one u want to watch first: healing (season 1) or chaos (season 2). ๐Ÿ˜‚ either way, i canโ€™t wait! <3


haha Iโ€™m glad u agree! ๐Ÿ˜† I just have such a soft spot for cbxโ€™s ladder season & it makes me sad that ppl barely talk abt it even tho their season is just as good as season 2 ๐Ÿ˜–! but either way I donโ€™t rly mind whichever one caitlin starts w lol ๐Ÿฅฐ