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Sorry about the way I edited this video...i couldn't make up my mind 😅.

Loved these! the boys are so talented! I also heard that baekhyun and Chanyeol are coming out with some music soon! SO EXCITED AHH! Hope you enjoy!


Exol athmar

Thank you for reacting to EXO I’ve been waiting for this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Exo Planet

EXOLs crying for each comeback but with different reasons😭.. I just love EXO so much💖😭

Exo Planet

Just remembered this while you're reacting to Kyungsoo Popcorn, have you reacted or watched Kongkongpatpat( GRBR) a reality show of kyungsoo with his Hyungs? I want to see your reaction on that show🤭😆


No I haven’t and most likely won’t be reacting to it 😭 - I’m so behind it’s not even funny…by the time I would get to it…it may not even be this year so most likely would enjoy on my own.

Exo Planet

Oww no Its fine, just take your time and enjoy.. I just love seeing you enjoy watching/reacting to EXO🥰

Nicole S

Kyungsoo's album is a NO SKIP (that will make you cry) so I can't wait for your listen to come out! Jongdae's is also a NO SKIP (that will make you cry) so excited for that too!




We love to see the exo content 🥹🥹🥹


I know we are all here because we appreciate the quality music that EXO members put out, but man.. D.O’s smile.. it does something to you.. Can’t wait for your reaction to Small Girl - you are in for a treat, Caitlin!


I’m loving all of the EXO content. 😬 Have you reacted to lay’s lose control MV, or give me a chance MV?


So happy to finally see your reaction to the current EXO Solo releases this year! They all really have something beautiful and amazing to bring to the table with their own colors and tastes in music. LOVE the way you reacted to Suho in electric guitar because SAME FOR US ALL 😭 Btw, Suho later released a special MV for Zero Gravity too which is part of his mini. You might want to consider when you get to his mini album review but either way, I am so excited for you to get to them, including Chen's and Kyungsoo's. 💖💖💖 Thanks so much for this reaction, Caitlin! 💖

Ph Mendes

Ansioso para o Álbum reaction

Alexandria T

Suho likes...what is it, the British/Brit-rock stuff? That is probably what inspired him for his recent releases. But even his first solo was Brit-pop/rock inspired in a way (like Oasis). There are others but that is one main group people usually mention whenever it comes to Brit-pop/rock. Ah, maybe even David Bowie for the "3 to 1" and "Cheese". Although "3 to 1" also reminded me of "I Want You" by Savage Garden (but I don't think they are Brit-pop, I think they're...Australian? Something like that). Not the exact sound of the songs, but the feel of it...? Spacey/otherworldly.

Alexandria T

Dyo's/Kyungsoo's "Popcorn" strumming at the start of the song reminded me of "Moonlight" by NCT Dream. So cute. Like an 80's nostalgia.


Thank you!! Love exo and miss them as a group so much


YES MORE EXO content i really miss seeing you react to EXO and enjoying what they give, and i hope to see you one day react to EXO arcade S 1 and 2 it will be such a pleasure and fun time to see you react to it i am sure HAHAHA anyways, i am just glad to see you back with EXO content, because honestly speaking you are the only Youtuber that i like reacting to EXO content i really enjoy watching you reacting to kpop groups and EXO especially, Thank you Caitlin for everything.


OH My GOD Sorry for your loss dear Caitlin i just learned about it now, i Hope you're doing good now, Fighting !!



Deb Armentrout

All three album are no-skip for me! D.O. Is of course my bias so his album is #1 in my book. I’m so sorry for your loss and praying for you and your family! Take care, have a great day! 😊😊


Thank you for this Caitlin ❤️


You're gonna loooove Suho's album, lol. He just finished his tour and !!! he plays the guitar for real! He effing played it during DECANTING 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ I dunno if you remember Decanting from his Grey Suit album listen a couple years ago but everyone? Kinda died? When the fancams came out? 😭😭😭😭😭 He's so hot! Lmao he's not even my ult in EXO but his 1to3 era just about ended me.


The story line of Empty is people experiencing different kinds of loss! He did a reaction video to his own MV and explained although everyone had their own theories (way sadder) before it came out (worth the watch on your own time, the contrast between how sad the MV is vs how smiley and happy Chen is as he explains it is kinda hilarious 😭) The two girls: one changed schools, so it's like a lost friendship The two older women: one is moving away? So lost adult companionship. The old man and cat: his cat died :( (loss of a pet) The train security man: he's retiring, so it's a loss of his job. The letter is from the girl he stopped from fainting/falling, who is the same girl that moved away from her friend, I think. All of my theories before the explanation came out were infinitely sadder, lol 😭 Just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for YOUR loss. We recently had a scare with an uncle and it's just so hard to think about how you expect people to be around forever and one day they're just not there anymore...💔 Hugs and condolences, Caitlin 🫂🩷


Kyungsoo's live performances from Mars era are out of this world, too, hah. I know you're gonna have fun? Have had fun? Catching up with all of them, all different vibes, all so good ❤️ Thank you for this reaction, it's what I needed today. Hope you're feeling better and not pressured to react to things. Take your time still and know we'll all be here for whatever you drop, whenever YOU feel like it, not us. (I'm also so sorry for spamming comments. I reacted as I watched 😭)


THANK YOU! I am so glad you enjoyed the EXO solos. I can't wait for you to listen to their albums - I can't believe we got 4 solo albums in such a short time. It is a blessing but also super overwhelming. I see you heard the great news that Chanyeol is finally releasing an album at the end of this month. I know you have been wishing for a Chanyeol album since day one.