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Okay literally having the wrote month of my life officially.

As I was finishing up the editing for this weeks videos my whole hard dive crashed LMAOOOOOOOO like wow….i actually started sobbing.

This is the 3rd hard drive to crap out on me in the past 2 weeks. I had another one crap out on me and I was able to recover my files but the drive was done. I just bought a new one to replace it and….guess what!? It’s the drive that just broke LOL

So never buying these drives again because there’s no reason why they should be breaking from just normal use.

Here’s the slight good news…I have the original unedited files on my computer so I didn’t lose those reactions (everything else on the drive I did lose) - but because my hard drive crashed before I could export the videos all of my work is gone so I have to re-edit everything….i just spent the past week editing those videos…😊 - so I’m gonna need this week to re-group. I need to take my time getting this worked out so it doesn’t happen again.

To be really honest with you.. I’m done lol like this is my last straw on top of everything else I’ve been going through so there won’t be a watchlist this week. I need to go buy a new hard drive and a backup system. I also have to re-edit everything now that I’ve lost all my work.

I’m really frustrated cause I’ve been trying SO hard to be consistent and on top of things but it’s so hard in this current season. I think it’s time to just get an editor cause I need help. Moving is not helping me either HAHAHAHA like everything is going to 💩😭

I’m sorry this week will be without content. I’m really upset but it’s out of my hands. I just have to let it go and figure out what I can save from my drives and go from there. I’ll try filming a bit on Twitch to double the content next week to make up for the lack of content this week. I’ll post on here when I’m live so you guys can join me.

So done with life Rn man 😞 - I’ll try to deliver next week for you guys. Thank you for the support!


Diamond Davis

Don’t give it up, MAMA! Your life brings so much happiness to a lot of people

Cecil _

Hey Caitlin, I'm not sure what you're setup is, but if you are having problems with hard drives, I recommend investing on solid state drives. They are much more durabale since unlike hard drives, solid state drives dont have moving parts, albeit more expensive. Nowadays, solid states come in external ones as well. They might prove usefull so I might as well mention.

Petra Kamali

Yeah, SSD's are a bit more expensive but more durable. On the other hand, HDD's shouldn't break that easily either. I do wonder which ones Cait uses, and if it could just be very bad luck and she's gotten some shoddy ones (from a bad batch or something)