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Garth and Donny are here to help me practice with techniques and shit.  And they complain about games and movies.

I dunno why I used the line brush I did for this page but it was too late to change it XD  Oh well it looks ok.

Before someone brings it up, yes Im aware it was changed in the extended cut.  But in the version I saw Superman just fucking flies away and doesnt help a god damn person.  KIND OF A WEIRD EDIT DECISION THERE ZACK.


(No title)



EY! Donny and Garth are back ;u; Maaaan I love these two!


Oh and I did love the absolute bullshit that Zack used to cover it up, "I was surprised with the fervency of the defense of the concept of Superman," Snyder says of his detractors. "I feel like they were taking it personally that I was trying to grow up their character." For more pure hate fuel, continue reading here: <a href="http://www.dorkly.com/post/77697/zack-snyder-batman-v-superman" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dorkly.com/post/77697/zack-snyder-batman-v-superman</a>
