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So I talked about this on one of my twitters briefly, but I decided that I wanted to fold my setting Snakes Conquer Earth into Hayven Celestia. They will no longer be conquering earth, they will instead be "conquering" a mongoose people named the montrose who are similar to but distinct from modern earth for extremely noble reasons that will be similarly difficult to explain.

I'd considered moving them to HC a while ago when I realized I had too many distinct sci-fi settings that I was never gonna get around to filling out (I've already moved Nowhere Man to HC!) when HC is already extremely rich in lore; the main issue is that the technology used in the story Sissthra was very much NOT in line with HC, and their absolutely massive fleet may have been too overpowering in the setting. Well, with a few backstory tweaks and adjustments, they seems to be able to fit pretty well, even if they may be entirely too sweethearted for the HC universe. Maybe HC needs some giant cuddly snakes.

The montrose are different from the mongooses I originally invented for SCE, but since they're taking on the role of humans rather than antagonists in this story now, I'm fine with that. Gre7g originally did a short story about geroo encountering montrose when it was pointed out how real mongooses play war to steal mates from other tribes, and well, that's a fun idea for a dynamic. If they're gonna be matriarchical they need something unique to it beyond "like earth gender roles but reversed".

Other than that though, I do kinda need them to be human analogues. But they're going to have different ideas of what differences in particular they get worked up about.






Pretty cool! :D

Diego P

which one is Nowhere man?


Now I wonder just how many mates she has!


Looks quite a proportional NSFW to me ! :D


"Surely the Goddess is great and has a great many mates, 80 if not more" "No, the Goddess is humble, she would have only two" "Surely having one mate is more humble than two mates" "Girls, if the Goddess is all-powerful, what would she need with mates?" *Everyone gives stink-eye to last speaker*


LOL. Maybe she'd be half and half. Not a load of mates but not lacking either.


I kinda wonder if Ssarith are cold- or warm-blooded since snakes are cold-blooded.


Isn’t it technically still sexual reproduction if they share DNA with each other? Regardless of the mechanics and lack of sexual dimorphism. Sorry if that’s, uh, pedantic


Not really? Some single-celled organisms can swap DNA and they're not considered to be sexual. I think the requirement is that there needs to be gametes involved before it's actual sexual reproduction.


The Montroose sounds like the society internet feminists want.


Yes, because they are not creating a new organism as a result. Sometimes you will see it referred to as bacterial sex. That can be a useful concept, but, being even more pedantic than Magitechnician, it may be sex, but it isn't sexual reproduction. (And most specialists don't even refer to it as sex).