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The 72 hours waiting has ended and the winner of the poll with a Wooping 53% of votes was Archon Nira! For a second time in a row now -3-

... You horny freaks -w- You guys really want to see more of that big double dicked snek xD

The Chaqutrix idea came in second with 29% of votes and... I am considering if I should also draw that as well, like, in all polls the first and second places are the ones that gets the chance to get drawn or something, I mean, more content for you guys to enjoy at the end of the day xD

Welp! I am going back to the workshop in order to prepare moar smut -3-;


John Lobdell

Big double barreled snek! :D Maybe something gives her a ball boost :3


Don't forget to draw stuff you want to as well! You've obviously been really busy with commissions, and hopefully you have plenty of fun making more Nira stuff for us, but you obviously had interest into some of those other options in the poll. We're here to see your art friend! And the more passionate you are about it, the better!


Ohhhh... trust me, there´s a crack ton of ideas and stuffs that I want to try out and draw, but unfortunally, commissions is what makes the biggest side of my monthly income in order to pay rent and such. So, those takes priority, at least for the time being until somehow I am capable of earning enought on Patreon alone in order to cover those expenses.