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It is on this holy day of Crassus, we are honored to present you with the second build of Slaves of Rome (V0.2)! Featuring more content, more options and games!

This is the "Demo +" ($10 version) Roman's build. It has most of the features now unlocked, but.. not all. Also, you'll start with just 100 dinari (gold) so... you'll need to work your way up!

Citizens, bare in mind!: Rome is still in development! There will be bugs! We are working very hard to have as little as possible, but at the end of the day, this is still a game in development, so it's nearly impossible to completely avoid them. We are always happy to hear about any problems you encounter so we can fix them ASAP for future builds. Please let us know if you find any. Also – we added a 'settings' menu so lower spec PCs should be able to run the game now – although, it's still not perfect, it should help and it will still improve a lot soon (next build)

Main New Things This (V 0.2) Build Features:

  • The temple of the gods (TFG Content) – Where you can make weird physical transformations to your slaves (fat/thin ; different genitalia ; muscles ; genitalia size etc')
  • Settings menu – It's still not perfect and we'll need to improve more so that lower spec PCs can run the game smoothly, but – it's better than the last build, so.. getting there! Please let us know how it is playing for you at the moment.
  • Male slave! – We are very excited about that! We said from day one that the game will be LGBTQ+ friendly and you can now finally have a male slave!
  • Futa (Futanari) Content – this is optional, but you can now have a futa stuff! (this is done at the Temple of the Gods)

Coming to Next Build (V0.3):

  • Slaves Skill Tree! (new abilities, and even more customization!)
  • Selling Slaves – Yes! You'll be finally able to start trading!
  • Better Optimization (will run on even lower spec PCs)

We are growing fast, and we expect to have those buildings within about a month. An official date will follow. 


Please notice:

* Those of you who have the "Avast" anti-virus might get a warning from them upon entry to Rome. Ignore it. Just wait a few moments and it will let you in. 

** We had a bug and had to do a build which is slightly harder on the PC to avoid it but still get the build out in time. The setting menu should still allow the game to run on much lower spec PCs than before, but – it is still not perfect and will get better. Sorry for this, this will be fixed by the next build!

*** IMPORTANT: We are aware there is a big bug causing (for some) a crash when launching the game. It's actually easy to get around it – just restart the game a few time – it will work eventually. We are fixing it and will update as soon as we have. 

For honor and glory of the Republic!
The Senate




How do I get to the settings menu. I see nothing to interact with on the start screen?


There should be a 'settings' button, under "new game" and "load"... can you maybe show me a screenshot of what you see and tell me which PC you have?


Will there, in the future, be an option for the player character to be futanari, or is this feature only going to be for the slaves?


file corrupted


Sorry for the late reply! Of course! :) - the player will be able to get the same modifications like the slaves


Ah yeah, it happened to someone in the previous build - try using a different unraring software (if you are using winzip, try using winrar)


mmm... no idea why - it shouldn't happen and didn't happen to anyone else. Should be easy to solve though - I'll re-compress with another software and will upload a new copy for you. It'll take a few days however - I'm traveling and only will be back in 5 days. But don't worry, it's just a winrar thing, should be easy to fix once I'm near a computer I can work on


could you please do the same for me because im having the same issue


Yes. Please give me a few days so I'll do it with the new fixed version (the current has a bug we are fixing)


I have tried downloading at it says to use a code? I requested twice to see if i can download the file