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Febian... born in a small village on the coasts of Gaul, Febian had a peaceful life. He was never the brightest... truth be told, he was always lacking on the "brains" front. However, lucky for him, it did not matter. He was a fisherman and all he had to do was supply his village with fresh fish. Whatever he lacked in brains, he made up for with his looks. Febian was always known for being the best looking guy in the village. Stupid... but beautiful. 

His peaceful life however were interrupted when the king of Gaul decided to face the Romans in battle. That was a mistake Febian would pay for dearly. 

Like most men from his defeated army, Febian was about to become a gladiator - the most cruel fate a person could have. But lucky for him, again, his looks came rushing to his aid. "He is just too pretty to be a gladiator, father!" the senator's daughter cried. After some thought, the senator agreed. More money can be made selling him for... other purposes. 

Febian found himself happily standing half-naked on the platform at the market square... Not knowing what is about to follow. But what is to follow? Well... this is up to you, dear Roman. Will you make Febian pay for his king's mistake and wipe (or whip?) that smile off his face?  Or can his good looks save him again? It's up to you now!

* (Febian is fully playable and will be available in the next build) *




Cool. I wouldn't say he is that pretty though) (MC looks more handsome to me). What's this dark line along his body? And maybe the chest could be rigged better, but it's always challenging to rig muscles realistically. I like how it's done in Bonfire gay game. Even ridiculously big guys are rigged very realistically there.


The dark line is a light screw-up, usually it looks fine :). And thanks - I'll check their rigs out!