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It is on this holy day of Jupiter, we, the senate, are proud to open the gates (download link) to Rome's new neighborhood (game build!). 

This neighborhood is for you, the poorer Romans! ($10+). It is more basic but we still love you! With time (next build) the most of the doors currently locked for you will be opened. Rome after all, is not really run by the nobles. We know who holds the real power! The people!

Citizens, bare in mind!: Rome is still young! (just over a month, actually) We have grown a lot faster then expected, but we are still a young city, not even a republic - our glory is yet in front of us. Do not expect a strong empire yet! We are still missing some of the cities most valuable assets like the auction house, male/female choices and more. 

We have just begun our journey, and this is just the first neighborhood of many that are to come. A prototype... if you will. Gaze upon it as Romulus and Remus gazed upon the naked mountains, imagining what they will become! With the will of the gods and your sacrifices - Rome shall rise to it's truthful glory and get stronger by the week! 

The next buildings in (already in the works) Rome will feature:

  • "Settings" menu (will run on lower spec PCs)
  • Male slaves
  • Gods temple to ask the gods for physical transformation of your slaves
  • Futa (Futanari) options (visible only if you are interested in it)

We are growing fast, and we expect to have those buildings within about a month. An official date will follow. 


Please notice:

* We are aware that some of you will have trouble getting inside the new  neighborhood because of old/weak Harems (PCs). Have no fear! Do not riot! We are working on improving this and adding options (settings menu) for you poor bastards very soon (hopefully within a couple of weeks). However, we need to hear from you about those problem so we can fix them. Please write your Harem (PC Spec) and the problem, if you encounter one. 

** Those of you who have the "Avast" guards might get a warning from them upon entry to Rome. Ignore it. They are stupid foreigners! Just wait a few moments and they will let you in. 

*** Like in any city, we expect to have rogue agents in Rome as well. Those agents might spread lies and deception (torrents and links). No! Don't hate them, citizens! They are doing what they can to survive.. a hungry man is a man we can not judge. However, in order to minimize the damage to the republic, we built roads, leading to Rome (links to patreon page) across the land. We hope you understand, but if you think it's wrong, please - let us know. 

For honor and glory of the Republic!
The Senate 



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