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By FoxFaceStories

Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 8: Even More Additions

Over the next two weeks Ivy waited anxiously for news of the arrival of Theo's equipment he'd ordered. The mystery of what was causing her to swell up and her condition to advance was now solved, but now they needed to find out how to reverse it. To do that, Theo claimed, he needed to find out more about her changes.

To that end, Theo continued to prod and poke and examine Ivy's changing form each day, recording observations and taking professional photos to track the progress of both her odd changes as well as her overall weight increases. Both were still altering, much to Ivy's chagrin. Each morning she struggled to get her lumbering form out of the guest bed Theo had organised, having slept uncomfortably on her side due to her enormous, rotund belly and breasts making sleep on her stomach impossible, and on her back borderline crushing. Since those first immense spurts of milk, her breasts had continued to become engorged with that pink-white substance, and so she would often wake to soaked bras and sheets. She would spend the first few minutes of waking simply clutching her gut with all four arms and groaning at both the drum-tight pressure over overfullness, and the simultaneous need to sate her hunger. God, she was getting so big.

Theo kept the kitchen well-stocked, which was a good thing, as her hunger continued to skyrocket. She didn’t seem to be putting on any weight in her face or arms though. Discounting her grotesque additions, she was still remarkably lithe in her non-bloated areas. No, all the growth went straight to her enormous mound of a stomach, which continued to stick out even further as if she was overdue with twins or even triplets, as well as her four large breasts and ovipositor. Whenever she walked - waddled, really - her upper and lower pairs of breasts wobbled constantly with every movement, milk sloshing heavily within them, and her insectoid abdomen swayed from side to side in response to her gait. The ovipositor was only getting bigger, particularly the bumpy underside which was getting sorer and more bloated as it developed. The whole thing was almost the size of a two-year old now, and it was attached to her. Not to mention that sometimes it seeped. It was disgusting to even think about it, but in some ways it felt like a second vagina; slick with fluid when aroused, and possessing inner and outer folders leading into her form. She had examined it in the mirror before showering one day - the thick stem connecting it to her hips was surprisingly flexible, which made going to the toilet at least a little easier - and was disturbed to find it even looked like a vagina, only bigger and more loose. She had to be careful when cleaning it; the tip was very sensitive, and sometimes left her seeping even more and feeling strangely aroused. Sometimes she couldn’t help but moan with arousal when she touched it in the shower, much to her embarrassment. The same could be said for her nipples, which seemed almost permanently erect, barely managing to keep from releasing the torrent that was building up behind them. They sat uncomfortably in her bras.

Progress, at least, was being had there. Ivy refused to leave the house most of the time, even located out in the woods as it was, and so it fell to Theo to buy new clothing and supplies for her. Which meant a very awkward and protracted conversation about the nature of bras, particularly maternity ones with absorbent pads, and the need to get comfortable ones that would provide her incredibly busty chests with a lot of support.

“So my upper boobs don’t crush my . . . lower ones,” she explained. 

Theo tried to jot down these notes.

“Don’t write that part down Theo! I don’t want anyone knowing I’m out here, let alone that I’ve got four of these - these massive tits!” They wobbled heavily as she indicated to each one with a hand, and Theo clearly found it difficult to meet her eyes with the display in front of him. “Just say you’re buying them for your pregnant girlfriend or something.”

“But I don’t have a girlfriend.”

Ivy went to shout something in irritation, but had to calm herself down. Her bloated form was becoming increasingly slick with sweat, and she was getting more lethargic every day. Instead, she took a couple of long breaths, and slowly lowered herself down onto a seat, adjusted her heavy ovipositor as she did so. She ran her multiple hands across her bloated waist. “Nngh - ooohh. I’m your girlfriend in this scenario, Theo. A normal - ahh, ahh - average pregnant woman who doesn’t have four giant boobs and four arms, and fucking antennae.”

“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry. I was just caught off guard.”

Ivy rested her chin in her two lower hands while the other two rubbed at her gravid-looking belly. She was so damn overheated. “You and me both Theo. You and me both.”

Theo returned late in the afternoon, and a scantily-clad, flushed and overheated Ivy was astonished at how well he had done. He had exceeded expectations, having purchased several large sets of EEE and F-cup maternity bras with absorbent pads, along with matching panties that she could wear far more comfortably on her hips, and which could sit low enough for her ovipositor to hang out over the top easily. He had also purchased several large maternity dresses intended for . . . larger women, and a number of XXL singlet shirts and smaller sweatpants for her to wear as well. The shirts had enormous holes that extended well below the armpit, providing tons of space for her additional arms rather than having to cut itchy holes in the sides of her existing clothing. But there were plenty of other thoughtful purchases on top of these; a sun hat with just the band and cap but no top, so her antennae wouldn’t be uncomfortably squished in. He had also bought some lotions, conditioners, and skin products she had been complaining about not having several days ago. As her mounds continued to grow she had become worried about stretch marks - a silly thought, but one that tethered her to whatever remained of her humanity. Theo had remembered. 

He had also purchased something else, an item that made her at once incredibly irritated, angry, embarrassed, and thankful. A set of milk pumps, used by pregnant women to ‘relieve excess milk’ according to the package. Theo was bright red as he showed it off.

“I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but all the tests confirm that your, well, your milk production is only increasing. If we don't get on top of it quickly, you're going to keep . . ."

"Leaking," she muttered, "you can say it. I'm lactating, at least twice as much as any woman. Goddamn these stupid mutant tits."

She could already feel them becoming overfull with liquid, seeping into the absorbent pads of her large double pair of bras.

Theo gave her a sympathetic smile. "It'll get worse, I'm afraid. Which is why you need to pump."

He left the pumps with her, providing her with the dignity of privacy. At first she refused to pump them, that was for pregnant women, damn it! But in the end she had to; the discomfort was too much, and her great heaving breasts were sleek with sweat from the sheer arousal of being so constantly engorged.  It was as if her bloated mounds were being actively pumped with contents. Worse, all four were filling up faster. Three days ago it took the whole day for them to become full, but soon it was only a matter of half a day before she felt the need to go into the bathroom and begin squeezing each nipple to release her build-up in turn. So she used the pump, suppressing a moan at the arousing sensation of her large nipples being tugged, and her breasts being slowly relieved of their sloshing weight.

The days dragged on, and further, more unsettling changes followed. At first Ivy was overjoyed when she waddled her jiggling body to the shower one morning and saw she had pupils again. They were a dark pink, and were slightly comical and surrounded by her otherwise totally black iris, but it made her happy.

That was, until she saw her other developments. The knots on her shoulders were now undeniably extending, pushing the skin upwards as they threatened to break through. But it was her sides and chest that made her stop in her tracks. The developments there she had been trying to ignore were now too prominent to do so.

It was undeniable now. She was growing a third pair of breasts. Which could only mean the sore points growing out from her sides were yet another pair of arms. 

“What the fuck, I’m . . . ugh . . . I’m growing more boobs? More arms? How many more will I grow? When will this fucking nightmare end!?”

Couldn't Theo do anything?

She initially tried to hide the developments, despite the stupidity of doing so, but soon they could no longer be hidden. Over the next couple of days, her third row of breasts rapidly grew in. Beset with aches, her lowest pair of boobs grew to a B-cup in just a few days, then to sizable C-cups just a couple after that. She felt hot and flustered on her chest, particularly as it meant that once more her weight out front was increasing, causing her to rely more and more on her ovipositor to maintain balance. That too was changing. The bumps on the underside of her fat, tail-like addition were becoming larger and more well-defined, with noticeable pinkish-red points extending from their outer middle. It was when Theo inspected the developments and she shuddered at their sensitivity, each of those points stiffening, that she realised she was beginning to develop even more grotesque mammaries. Only these ones existed on the underside of her abdominal extension.

“I can’t believe it,” Theo said. “You’re not only developing a third pair of breasts on your torso, but an additional six breasts on the underside of your ovipositor, for twelve in total.”

“Ngghhnnnn ooohhhhh,” Ivy moaned in horror and reluctant pleasure as he took a moment to squeeze and rub her individual nipples. It was impossible, it was so utterly alien, and yet she couldn’t help but feel aroused and teased, feeling the same bliss as if her forward breasts were being played with, only these were hanging behind her

“Pleasssse,” she groaned, looking at him and trying not to bite her lip, “I don’t want to keep growing breasts Theo. You have to help me stop this.”

Theo took a moment to pat her rear abdomen. God, it was getting so heavy now. But then everything was heavy now. Everything was overheated and sweaty and so. Fucking. Full. 

"The equipment should be here in just a few days. You'll just have to hang on till then, Ives."

She looked at him, aghast, feeling even less human now than ever. "I don't know if I can wait that long! I'm growing more arms. I've got fucking tits on my tail . . . thing! Are they going to make milk as well?"

"Most likely, I'm afraid."

Tears ran down Ivy's cheeks. "God, they're already so heavy. How will I even pump them? I can barely reach them."

Theo paused in thought. "If it comes to that, I'll help. If it isn't too awkward. I'm sorry Ives, really. I'll do everything I can for you, but I just don't know how much that is. I'm sorry."

He gave her an awkward side hug - god knows hugs from the front or even from behind were now impossible due to her massive growths - and gave a sympathetic squeeze of her lower left hand.

Soon to be her middle left hand.

Over the next few days her various appendages continued to grow even as the rest of her swelled up more and more like a balloon. Theo did his best with her, and she was astonished at how much of a gentleman he was, even helping her fit three large pairs of bras around her ovipositor just to contain them and stop them bouncing on the underside, as well as ordering some custom clothing to fit over her prodigious bosoms and belly and accommodate her six arms. Apparently he ordered them from a furry website, though Ivy wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

As they waited, he continued to conduct tests on her developing ‘condition’ as he called it. He tried to cook meals she appreciated, and even did some work widening some door spaces to allow her to fit through easier, which took some effort. At night she would curl up on the couch and watch Netflix just to feel like a person again, even if it meant curling her large ovipositor over next to her. Theo would sit beside her and they would both laugh at the comedy or get invested in the drama and just talk like two people, almost as if they were on a romantic date. Occasionally Theo would glance her way, but never in disgust, and something about that flattered her. As if he alone still saw her as a human woman capable of being cared for and listened to. Comforted.

After too many nights of growing, changing, altering, of becoming less and less human, he was her one comfort. He helped her down into bed as she grew tired, and drew the blankets over her bulbous form, despite the fact that her six arms were easily up to the task. They had joked and played around just earlier that morning of the advantages of her extra limbs as she made herself a coffee while playing a videogame and eating her breakfast. Now, just letting a man tuck her in and bid her goodnight was enough to make her feel normal, if only for a moment.

Ivy woke the next morning after one of these calming nightly routines in a state of discomfort (a near-constant state for her now). More than usual she was feeling quite wet and sticky. She realised with horror that her new, third set of arms were now fully developed as she lifted herself up with six pink-white arms, only to witness the bulging breasts of her ovipositor - all six of them - leaking her inhuman milk onto the sheets. The six breasts on her chest were the same - all of them now F-cups and perennially lactating.

"Uuhhnnggghh," she groaned. "Oohhhh ah-ah-ahhhh mmhmm." 

Everything was pink and swollen and sweaty and so. Damn. Full. Her bloated body felt like a furnace, and her six rows of teats ached from being so engorged. As she rose the pressure in her stomach was borderline unbearable. Ivy groaned, antennae twitching to sample the damp air, when suddenly a frightening urge to push deep in her hips came over.

"Ahhh, aaahhh . . . I don't - aaahh!"

She barely paid attention to the ripple of movement on her back. Ivy barely registered that she had grown a pair of insectoid wings with thick pink membranes. All she could focus on was this near-instinctive need to push.

"Nngghhnn mmmmhhnm uuugghhh!"

She braced herself, sitting up as much as she could, when she felt something round and large shift within her.


The object sat painfully at the centre of her hips, pressing up against an opening that was too small to accept it. Again the pain came, the frantic urge to push. Ivy groaned and strained, clutching her mound even as her many mammaries continued to lactate in response to her struggle.

"What - ohhh - is h-happening! Th-Theo - nggghh! - I n-need your helllllp!"

A mighty push, and somehow the object within her squeezed through the tight passage. She felt like a bowling ball was being pushed through her vagina, only it wasn't her vagina, it was the tube connecting her hips to her ovipositor. She grasped at the connective stem with her two lowest hands, and felt it widen as the object squeezed through. She felt it pass all the way, until finally:


It plopped out from the tunnel to rest in the larger expanse of her rear abdomen.

"What was - ohh!"

Before she could even get her bearings, again returned that feeling of pressure as another object within her stomach - within her womb? - shifted downwards to press against the tunnel. 


Again she gave into the urge to push, the ovoid object squeezing through her inhuman tunnel before being released into her ovipositor to join the other. She gasped, her six upper limbs tensing in response to the strange process, her new wings flapping weakly and helping to cool her flushed form.

And then it began again.

By the time Theo heard her and burst through the door, her ovipositor bulged with new contents pushed in from her belly, which was still enormous but less overly-taut than it had been.

"Theo! Help, I - nnyanngghh!" She tensed as another of the bulging shapes descending into her insectoid abdomen, the eighth in total.

"My god," he said. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look - Nnnghh - okay?"

Her insectoid wings, now at least a metre long each while extended, flapped even harder as she pushed. Rivulets of milk poured from her twelve nipples, each of them long and hard and extended like teats, occasionally spurting while she bucked her wide hips in an attempt to dislodge the latest object into her ovipositor.

"I mean are you injured?" Theo asked. "Is any part of you bleeding?"

"N-no," she grunted. "But it huurrts, and my tail-sac is filling is with something from my stomach and I don't know what it is!"

Two arms rubbed at her sore stomach, a second set massaging her increasingly enlarged ovipositor which was still being pumped with the heavy contents of her belly. The last set were struggling to hold her weighty body upright, held slightly to the side to avoid her stomach crushing her innards.

"You just need to push it through," Theo said. He took a towel and began dabbing at her bare breasts, but she was lactating faster than he could soak it up at this rate. She squirmed as the ninth object failed to shift, pushing instead painfully up against the inner tube's lining that connected her stomach or womb to her sac. 

"It's s-stuck!" she groaned. Her wings beat faster. Sweat dripped down her forehead onto her breasts, which were just as sleek with it. She cried as she strained, gasping with relief as her connective tunnel finally dilated wide enough to accept the object, which slid slowly and uncomfortably through the stem before squeezing out into the much more elastic space of her ovipositor. It must have been at least ten to fifteen kilograms heavier by then, or more.

She lay back on her side, her three arms splayed out awkwardly over the side of the bed, waiting for the next strange object inside her to descend.

Thankfully, it didn't.

She raised her head above her torso of massive, quivering breasts. 

"What - what was that?"

Theo bit his lip. "I think I have an idea. Come, the equipment has finally arrived and we can find out for certain. Do you need help getting up?"

She shook her head to say no, but quickly found that even with her additional arms her mounds were simply too big and in the way to get up. She struggled a few seconds before looking up at Theo, filled with shame and embarrassment. "Actually I do need help, these stupid fucking milky tits are all in the way."

Theo acquiesced, and for the first time she was glad at the unnatural pink hue her skin had taken on; it covered up the fact that her cheeks were reddening with embarrassment.

Theo helped her up, and with even further humiliation she realised he had to put his back into it. Even her stronger, more muscular legs - thanks to her mutation - nearly buckled under her weight. She was used to thrusting her stomach forward and using her ovipositor as counterbalance, but now her rear development was swollen much larger and carried a lot heavier, and it took her some time to find her footing. Her dripping rear breasts hung low, nearly touching the floor. She could still feel her overfull developments dripping their pink-white milk behind her.

"This is getting too much Theo. I need a cure. I don’t know what I was just pushing out but it fucking hurt, and I’m scared if it keeps happening I’ll die or something. I’m already a huge, bloated freak. My organs can’t keep taking all of this - this growth!” She threw up six arms in frustration, when suddenly her slightly-smaller belly gurgled loudly.

“And now I’m fucking hungry again! God, when will this end?”

Theo held out a hand and caressed her cheek. Without wanting them to, her antennae twitched down over his head as he looked her in the eyes. "I don't know Ives, but I won't leave you. I promise."

The truth. She knew from the strange buzzing of her antennae that he was telling the truth. Her heart fluttered and she did her beat to steady it. There was no way a good looking and intelligent man like Theo would ever be interested in a bloated seeping bug girl like her. No nan would be, ever again.

She pulled away from him. "I'm going to shower, then eat. You can show me this equipment then."

To Be Continued . . .


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