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A pair of my brushes in SAI2, with the settings I use for them. Following the past post on line-art quality, some people asked me about my brush settings on the example. I also added a new example using another method to get a similar effect.

Brush A). First rendering (the torso example) is the type of brush I use for more detailed and realistic types of drawings. This is my favorite method as mentioned since it doesn't depend much on the brush settings and I can use this technique with various types of brushes, like textured ones (minimum tip size setting goes from 20-50% depending on the brush).

Brush B). The second rendering (Vanille example) is a brush with much higher-pressure sensitivity. When I make more cartoon type characters I try to make much less lines so high-pressure helps to get a cleaner look using fewer strokes per line.

Although I use variations, these are the general stroke qualities I look for in both styles.

Take into account that the "feeling" of the brush also depends on how much force you are used to make with the hand, your drawing device, and even two of the same model of pen/stylus (on a same device or PC) varies somewhat I've found! So feel free to adjust these settings to your heart content.



> Attached here the original layered file at 100% in case you want to check it that way.
> Brush shapes (flat3) should be by default in the SAI2 installation but tell me if someone is missing the flat3.bmp file.
> Although these are SAI2 settings you can replicate the brushes' look in any other drawing software.



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