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Here we have a nursing La - with her youngest toddler on her arm and Shego’s eldest daughter Athena on her tit, getting some snackage.
That doesn’t seem to suit La’s daughter too much, but La is completely fine with it.

In any instance all the women view all the kids in the harem as ‘Ron’s kids’ and therefore their own. Of course they all want to tend mostly to those they give birth to themselves all the kids refer to all the women of their father as ‘mother’ or sometimes ‘mom’. It’s mostly only their own birth mother they call ‘mommy’.

But all the women in Ron’s harem are helping each other where they can, and if that means babysitting or even breastfeeding another woman‘s child, they clearly do that.

La and Shego have a complicated relationship at the best of times, though this doesn’t go for the kids. And La is especially fond of Athena.

Athena - from an early age - walked around all her mothers and had a taste, in order to compare them. Her own mother was of course the best, but she quickly narrowed down a few others as her best reserve dinning mothers. La was one of them.

This didn’t bother La, not at all. Though she had twins of her own when Athena went on her little quest as a toddler, and therefore her hands full, she allowed Athena to have a treat. Later, when the girl returned for another treat, she simply let her eat in peace.

La and Shego are still not on the best of terms, but again, La’s low opinion is solely centered on Athena‘s mom. Athena she likes quite a lot.

As a footnote to this I want to make it clear that nursing and breastfeeding is a completely natural and some could say beautiful thing. The nurturing of young is one of the reasons we have evolved into a compassionate and social species. In fact studies has been made on women who nurture their children longer gets a high level of anti-depressive chemicals in their body. Many of which are incredibly healthy to have high levels of.
It’s also healthier for kids to breastfeed for long. Not only because of the build up of a good immune system, but also because it helps the kids mentally. It’s a break in the child’s reality.

We tend to forget how much and how powerful everything we experience as a child hit us. When we seek a parent to hug or to comfort we help create filters that can lessen coming blows and experiences.

So the next time you see a woman breastfeed - don’t stare - but just remember it’s completely natural. It’s one of the many traits that has allowed our species to flourish.

Why is this so important to me?
Well there has been a lengthy debate on if it should be banned from publicly breastfeeding. I have the opinion that those who see something natural as perverse are the perverse individuals.
Fortunately the debate was short lived and felt out to the side that it was not to be banned.

We are living in odd times, but I hope you enjoy this piece of RSAHNP. An ordinary moment in the harem. 




This was quite good and liking upon reading more of the future character profiles.