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Well she is French.

In the books it is hinted she is not a novice in the kitchen.

I do not assume that all Frenchmen are magicians in the kitchen, but I so often bash the French behind their backs for no reason whatsoever, so I just like to imagine that they also have some good sides. Just like I do with Swedish - No offense Swedish. Love you, I just don’t show it. ❤️

I love a lot of things either connected with France or taking place in and around France. Like the Asterix comics. I know it’s also tied to Belgium, but that is only a high praise to Belgium.

Anyhoo, here is Fleur, the wife of Harry Potter, preparing a wonderful roast that is sure to make her husband very happy that he married a witch on the other side of the Channel.

In fact, I did wonder what the whereabouts would be for Fleur and her family. Are they like Parisians or do they reside somewhere else in France…

Any of you have some good suggestions to that?

If anything, I hope you like it.

Yours truly




Runus Brewblade

Kitchen witches are some of the best

Commissar Steel

I think Fleur would probably be closer to French Wine Country great food paired with great wine