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Almost 6 months ago we said goodbye to our 13 year old Suzi, our little tuxedo spitfire of a cat who had an aggressive cancer. Today, we said goodbye to our 21 year old calico, KitKat. She had stage 4 kidney disease and until 3 days ago was still very mobile. Today, she was at the end of her rainbow, so we took her to the vet. Thank goodness for awesome veterinarians who care for our animal family and help them transition over the rainbow.
So, goodbye my love. You were a loyal, friendly, and precious angel. You loved to lounge in our laps and always gave so much love. I hope you and Suzi have a blast, wherever you are. 💔

I just noticed I forgot to put KitKat's picture up...here she is:



Sending hugs 💛