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This is exciting and will make your life so much easier! You can perform this fix yourself, which doesn't take long (seriously it's just a few minutes if you don't have S4S already, or seconds if you do, depending on the amount of cc you have), or you can choose to wait for your favourite creators to update and upload their new files.

This first part is for those who don't already have Sims 4 Studio's latest version. I always download the current beta version for the most up-to-date processes. Also, some people may have issues with the immediate installer, like me, so I recommend downloading the zip version. The images attached to this post will help you follow along.

S4S Links:



During installation you may have to tell your antivirus software that Sims 4 Studio is trusted, and continue on. It's very safe and I haven't heard of anyone having any problems, ever. Once that's done, open the program, go into Settings and make sure S4S points to wherever you keep your files.

Be aware that it may take a few moments for it to sync up to the packs you own and your file locations, which always happens after the program updates with game updates.

Now for the actual fixing:

Click on Content Management > Batch Fixes > CAS, then go to the bottom of the list (you may have to scroll) and click on Update Eye Colors for Infants (Infants Patch), and let it run. This could take 2 seconds or a few minutes, depending on your computer and how many sets of custom eyes need fixing in your Mods folder.

Not only does Sims 4 Studio fix your files, it also keeps the original files in a Batch Fixes folder for you!

When Sims 4 Studio is finished running the batch fix, you will see a popup telling you what was accomplished, and you're good to go!

CREATORS: Once you're finished with the Batch Fix, remember to upload the new package for your downloaders!


The S4S team deserves our respect and admiration for their outstanding commitment to this program and for making it in the first place. As a creator, I would be lost without it. Feel free to go over and give them some love. 💕




hi! there's no update eye colors for infants option in my sims4studio? i tried re-downloading it twice but the only infants fixes that show are the ones in objects


Wow, I'm slacking off. I honestly missed your comment. So, with the new versions, I always get the beta setup as opposed to the community tested version. Maybe try that if you didn't. I also mentioned you may have to scroll down to see that option. Did you try that? Here's me hoping you were able to figure it out while I went merrily on my oblivious way 😅😬