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MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/Csh0XS6K#Zceecag0B3YHP3gSxVNcxWNZC_A7_zHJqjafKQNJdPU
Decryption Key: Zceecag0B3YHP3gSxVNcxWNZC_A7_zHJqjafKQNJdPU

First time I'm trying a different approach to posting animations, instead of the whole video coming out as a soundless WIP we're gonna try to gradually finish the animations and post them scene by scene and then combine them into the full video at the end. What do you think of this idea? Is it better to post animations like this or post complete soundless WIPs instead? I have two shorter animation coming up for secret santa right after this and then I will be getting around to posting Aegir,  if everyone is okay with it I would like to post Aegir and every other next animation in a smiliar manner as this Evie animation. Please let me know what you think about this idea.



Watch "evelynp1_1_SOUND" on Streamable.



Just wanted to say I love your animations, but I subscribed to you specifically because of this animation. Watching people getting stomped flat, only for her to playfully pound and grind them into the ground, is AMAZING. Really nice animation!


It is been more than a year since this WIP and I keep loving it. The crunchery and the size you picked for Evelyn is just perfect. And what makes it even more amazing is how playfully Evelyn is, yet it is kinda contrary to her latest attitude where she is more apologetic and kinda gentle but can't avoid the collateral damage her body does. My doubt is, will there be a continuation of this WIP?


Anyway. Just an idea, idk if others like it or not: how about giantesses... properly speaking, talking? I don't remember any quality content of that ever. For example during a growth contest, or even if she is alone, I think it would be interesting to hear her thoughts in more depth rather than just noises. Am I alone?


I fully encourage long animations to be cut scene by scene. This can allow for a smooth stream of new animations, even if the animations are just parts of a greater whole. Even when those parts are completed, you could perhaps then combine them all and post the whole thing separately for those who might want it all consolidated into one big animation instead of 2-5 individual parts. If you find this change makes for a smoother workload on your end, both for you and your sound team, then that makes it all the better.


The audio is incredibly important to me, personally, so I like the idea of more bite-sized, full-audio uploads; but I would support whatever workflow makes it easiest on your end. Also just wanted to say that I love this video and the soundwork is outstanding!


doing shorter animation segments with sound as part of designing the whole full animation is good with me.

Dr. Whoopass

Whatever is easiest for you! I'm patient lol


Whatever is best for you, but personally I prefer having audio over muted clips.


I've got videos with dialogue coming up, no worries. It's pretty difficult to write believable dialogue with good voice acting for size I gotta admit


It is okay if you post your work separately and combine them together when it is finished. But personally I also want to see a finished WIP with no sound (I mean is for Aegir's animation:)


Ngl, prolly one of my favorite animations so far. I'm a sucker for stompies and shit, so to see it at a scale more comprehendable is nice.


Animation's good, very smooth, lots of crunchy bits. I think if you want to try releasing shorter, finishes scenes and compile them together later it would be worth a shot. Might be good for building anticipation for people. If nothing else, try it for one animation and then ask for feedback afterwards. I personally like the soundless but otherwise complete WIPs but I dunno, sound adds so much that it could be worth it.