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Hi, so it's been a while since I've gotten an impression from everyone on how I should continue with the animations so I'd like to do a little survey about what you like or dislike and which priorities I should put first. Of course I have many animations to post but before I do, I want to make sure that they are perfect for how you would want them. I've noticed that my Ägir animation was received very well and the Poppi animation not so much,  I'd love it if I could get insights on your views putting the two side by side. 

Here are some questions I have regarding a few key aspects of the animations, some might seem redundant but I just want to make sure that the majority of people are still on board with the current themes of the animations. I would greatly appreciate if you could answer these in elaborate detail:

1. What do you think of the glow growth effect? Is it jarring in any way? Should I tone it down or leave it as it is?
2. Are mega and giga sizes still your prefered sizes?
3.  What do you think of animations featuring monster girls (harpies, snake girls, etc)?
4. Is the pacing of the videos right as it is or should I slow down some of the scenes?
5. Are the choices in characters and scenarios appealing to you? And if not, what would you change?

Sorry if this is requesting a lot of information at once, I just really want to know if I'm doing everything right, and sorry as well for the slow audio work the past months, my audio guy has been a bit slow as of late and I will help him out in that regard soon. Thank you for your generous support!


Szerwony Skarabeusz

Sorry if i butchered English.. Im a Polish native speaker, its sometimes hard for me to do good with the grammar, and my damn autocorrection doesnt help either..... Well, my opinion might sound too short, but i never can make myself to write long comments without losing the context in the middle. I love your videos, whether they are building size, scyscraper size, giga, mega, or tera, i Just love the feeling of growth. Over the years i have watched many people doing growth animations. More than that, i started watching it around the Time mmd became popular, and i can See that you put an enormous amount of love into your work. I dont see any problems with furry related videos. Pacing? I dont See/feel any problem, if anythung, it feels natural. The last question, well, i love your work, if i didnt, i would probably never have found myself here.... Yet again, its ok, it May be hard to appeal to every taste, Just do what you feel is good for you...


More giga contents, no monster girls and slower scene please, I always play the video in half speed.


1) I am alright with the glowing growth effect, can't think of any reason not to be. 2) I'm 100% in favor of sticking with mega/giga. If she's not at least a mile tall I'm not interested lol. 3) I'm definitely interested to see giga monster girls, it's something you don't see much in the GTS community especially in mega/giga you could potentially corner a market there. 4) please do slow down the pacing it often seems like everything is over so quickly. 5) I don't have any problem with your characters or scenarios but I would like to see you branch out and try new things every now and then.


1- don't matter glow, no glow your work has been awesome 2. GIGA, Super-GIGA, Ultra-GIGA the larger the Better! 3. again don't matter, Monster girls or 'normal' women it doesn't diminish the quality of your work! 4, Slower pacing would be nice 5. the Characters are fine to great, if it allows you to find your 'muse' (hopefully a GIGA :-) ) and keeps your work to your prior standard. Thanks for the great works so far!


1. Glowing effect is fine. 2. Giga is my favorite but it would be neat to see bigger. 3. I'm fine with them, it depends more on the character. 4. The pacing is good, it depends more on the length of the animation. 5. The characters are fine, again it depends on who it is but I have no complaints.


1. The glow growth effect is not disturbing 2. I like both. 3. I have no problem if an animation is done with monster girls. 4. Depend of the lenght of the animation. 5. I have no comments to make on the chosen characters. It's difficult to make a scénario about 1 or 2 minutes, sometime less, animation, so I will not comment the scenarios.


1. The glow effect doesn't bother me. If I HAD to choose, I'd say leave it out, but that's a very mild preference. 2. My favourite size is actually from 7 ft - 75 ft! Your animations are so goddamn good that I love them despite going way out of my preferred size range. That being said, I always prefer the beginning of your videos, before the girls get too big. 3. I prefer human girls. 4. I think your pacing is fantastic. 5. I don't know any of the characters you pick anyway. As for scenarios, I love people growing in cramped spaces, and you seem to like that too, so as long as you keep doing that I'm going to love it.

Professor June

1. The glowing effect is great, I think it should stay. Maybe toned down a bit but definitely a fan of it 2. Yes! 3. Doesn't bother me, either human or monster works 4. Definitely a video to video process. Pacing feels pretty good usually 5. Well, beggers can't be choosers, and I'm happy with anything you post. That being said, the genshin stuff has been my favorite thus far


1. I love the glowing effect, especially when paired with glowing eyes 2. mega and a bit of giga at the end 3. Snakes 💚🐍Monstergirls are great but really wanna see some snake animations 4. A little bit slower would be nice, but the pacing seems good for short videos 5. Super excited for your two girls growing video


1. I've so far loved the glow but your vids without the glow were nice too. Kinda hard to pick favourites. Feels like a case by case thing. 2. You certainly do them well. I can gel with any giantess size personally but you just do mega really well. 3. Not bothered by it 4. Feels fine 5. There's been a bit much sadism for my taste in some videos. I'm not really the biggest rampage fan. But I got no complaints otherwise.

Mama Aki

1. The glow effect I have no issue with. I find it makes it easier to see when the character grows, nice visual feedback. 2. I genuinely like Giga to Tera (or even as far as beyond Tera sized) sized stuff, mostly because I use these vides to pretend I am the giantess in question (make of that what you want, ladies have their fun to XD). 3. I have no issues with them. 4. I find the pacing pretty good, yes. But speaking from personal preferences of how I'd do it, a slow drawnout "anticipation period" as the destruction gets closer and closer. 5 I love the amount of power and destruction you bring to your videos, really makes me feel like I am the one in the video. So no, I'd not change anything of that.


1) Yes, glow effect is cool, but it could be a bit less vibrant I think. 2) Giga is the best! But the main point is the growth. I prefer if we see them growing and not just exist at giga size. 3) I think monster girls are fine. 4) If there was more focus on the growth where possible (so, bit slower), I'd like it personally. 5) It is becoming a bit tooo anime for me recently (costumes, hair), I prefer when the anime style is not that obvious. Thank you for your work!