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Thanks for a hell of a ride, Kenno, and I'm looking forward to seeing whatever you do in the future!


Jeez now I feel bad for my comment in the last MLWF page...


This is bittersweet, but the story will live on in our hearts. Your comic, and art, mean everything to some of us - so glad I found your work. We will continue to support to the end.


Wow, congratz on being one of the few webcomic artists to actually finish thier project! oAO I'm just a reader but i'm proud of your commitment and it was a nice journey ready thru the story ; w ; b


Congratulations Kenno! You should get a medal for this rare accomplishment: webcomic artist actually managed to finish their epic


No, thank you! :) Unless your output totally drops off a cliff I'll be sticking around.


Thank you for all your stories so far! And thank you for not giving up, when you felt like it and pushing forward. It's ALWAYS worth it.


np dude your opinion is valid. thanks for reading and supporting for so long tho!


Yeah np, the ending is ok, just felt it was paced oddly is all. But thank you for understanding.

Ian Wolfe

One of my fav webcomics, hard to believe I've been following on here for 8 years. I mostly lurk but always enjoying your work. Glad you finished MLWF and looking forward to anything you do in the future (as well as continued After Hours!). Cheers


thanks Ian! You're more involved than most, believe it or not! thanks for sticking around this long ToT


This webcomic is probably the only thing that has remained a constant in my life since I found it right when Naylor’s Better Days ended. I’m endlessly thankful for your hard work and dedication. I’m constantly inspired by your changes in artstyle and expression. I remember the page with the The Sims buy mode music embedded with the comic page. Nobody did that stuff back then. You’ve seen the webcomic as a medium transform while making sure your work is as accessible as possible. I suppose my years of patronage is a receipt that you are doing it right. Wishing you best of luck in whatever you decide to do next.


thanks a lot viktor. man you've been around since the smackjeeves days huh? xD Too bad flash had to go and die. now i can't do that sort of stuff. But i found on the new scrolling down format some interesting ways to do storytelling too. I suppose everything around us will change, it is us who have to find a way to make it interesting.


Yo recuerdo cuando cuando empeze a ver este comic, me encantó, me suscribí al patreon por el. Tu haz sido tremendo artista, tremenda persona. Hiciste un comic increíble y espero que sigas adelante.


Que tal man! Gracias por leerme todos estos años :D por los buenos deseos, y también te deseo lo mejor!