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So, how about the next page starts with the assistants throwing aldo and deniz in front of Ojou-sama, at her mansion's main hall. Ojousama would introduce herself and explain why there were brought to her. I'm thinking ojou-sama would live in a "shinden-zukuri" style of mansion, like so https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Miniature_Model_of_HigashiSanjoDono.jpg ya know, the kind of mansion with hallways you need to polish with a rag and on your knees like in japanese animays. you can read more about that kind of architecture here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinden-zukuri


i'm thinking the boys would be extremly weary of ojousama. After all, they were literally abducted and now are being asked to breed. The assistants, overly protective and respectful of their boss could be like "how dare you reject Ojou-sama's generous offer. The honor of seeing-- no, Touching! Ojou-sama's pure flesh should be enough!!" Ojou-sama, being a sly and clever fox aristocrat, would offer them something in exchange. Staying on her estate for the remainder of their trip, for free, should suffice. Her mansion is, after all, the fanciest place in the entire island. And it's the most traditional, culturally rich place a gaijin tourist could dream of.


The dudes also would need to eat tho. so maybe the page ends with lunch being served. A sumptuous meal, something akin to what Muggs cooked on After-hours 27 https://i.imgur.com/Rx0YHIM.png


I have a whole backstory thought out for ojou-sama, that they could talk about during their meal! Ojou-sama is in fact the direct descendant of the first kitsune spirit that was locked in the island. Hence why she's the head of the clan. The first kitsune was trapped there for being way too horny (of course) and cheating on some daimyo (japan's feudal land lords) or whatev. So she and the rest of her kind where imprisoned on that rock, where they've lived ever since. Recieving tributes of young abled men to prevent their wrath and keep the spirits at ease in the past, and young abled foreigners in the present, to keep the tourist attraction running over the generations. Ojou-sama currently is the public face of the fox girls with mainland japan, and just wants the best for her foxpeople. And that includes bearing heirs to keep her lineage going, of course.


Oh, one last thing! I like the srs-bsns look of the assistants, but I think we got way more interesting looking foxes to go through? (lookin at the goth foxes). I'm thinking it would be pretty cool if the assistants where actually a lesbian couple! Lesbians would be highly frowned upon in a breed-to-win society like foxgirl island, but working directly for Ojou-sama would keep away any bad rep towards them. Ojou-sama, clever as she is, sees the benefit of having gay women as her personal entourage, who will never be distracted or dissuaded by hot men and will always see for the clan's interests' first.


In order for us to get to other foxgirls, Ojou-sama would have to set up the deal like 'you may tour the city during the day, but you come back here every night to breed with me.' OR The guys plan to escape after they breed with Ojou-sama (or one of Ojou-sama's workers lets them go)


Ojou-sama could be an only-daughter, making her the last in her families lineage. A good reason to be desperate to give birth to multiple daughters to ensure the 'royal' bloodline continues.


Ojou-sama could also mention that she can't keep them prisoners here. All men must leave the island at the end of this week or fox-island faces severe punishment for breaking treaties.


and for dessert: gourmet Kit-Kats for good luck in breeding fox kits


i love the first deal :O! It gets the whole "where do they sleep every night" question out of the way, which should let us focus on what the dudes do everyday around town for the rest of the comic.


And Ojou-sama could frame it as 'if you try sleeping out in that city, those horny foxes won't give you a moments privacy. Let me keep you safe in my home.'