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What do you wanna see in the cover? Let me know in the comments. give a like to those you're ok with!




Monica should be on the cover, with a bow around her booty.


I second this! Infact have all the girls butts with bows and/or ribbons on them! Have it be like a line-up with Santa muggs standing above them, or next the them with a present 🎁 box on her crocth, or her penis could be wrapped up with a bow


I like the idea of all the girls in this comic tied down as presents! My idea is to make a cover and back cover, in the square format i've been handling all the comic. Something with big, playful lettering like christmas picture books have https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b65d763fcf7fd7d0c65108e/1605469453528-LCB9WRJBSH04SLIA7AUC/The+Best+Christmas+Picture+Books+of+2020.jpeg?format=2500w I particularly like that "mistletoe" book cover as a basis. It could have muggs sitting pretty in a christmas garland. and the back cover could have mary, bravo, ollie, monica and october tied with ribbon next to a christmas tree, as Muggs finishes tying them up, with a lil text summarizing the book. Maybe not exactly "tied down" and more like "wrapped", rather, like so https://e621.net/posts/3088134?q=christmas+ribbon What do u guys think?