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Aaron Barlow

He went back in time to save Emma but she died anyway, so he realised she was destined to die and he wanted to know why he couldn't change the past. He travelled to the future in search of an answer as to why he couldn't change Emma's fate. The evil Morlock ruler in the future told him that he built the time machine as a result of Emma dying. If she never died he would never have built the time machine in order to travel back and save her, creating a paradox.

Aaron Barlow

The Morlocks were massively strong, much stronger than a human, but Alexander was able to knock one over because he barrelled into him taking the morlock by surprise. The morlock did not brace himself for the impact so was knocked off balance. I'm a 6ft muscular 270lb man, but if I was walking along and some 110 lb woman ran into me at full speed from the side and I wasn't aware of it I would get knocked over. Also the wooden pole he swung full force into the head of the creature would stun anything.