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I'm going to Emerald City Comic Con on Wednesday, so I did TWO weeks worth of Reader Questions today so I wouldn't miss any as I recover from convention!

Week 9

1. I had never heard of this creature before! I have a rule that if something is described in ancient Greek or Roman mythology, it most likely exists in Skin Deep, so theows are definitely canon in Skin Deep!

2. Peryton Question 1: Adelle! A piebald peryton.

3. Peryton Question 2: A peryton buck! I usually base European deer creatures off of mule deer, but I decided that perytons look more like fallow deer. Neat antlers.

4. Technically, Madam U isn't allowed to sell medallions for more than someone can pay, but since they are rare and she needs to keep her shop open, she'll get as much as she possibly can for them.

5. Here's a bunch of stuff I'm working on right now! I hope to get the comic going again as SOON AS I CAN! But look at all this other stuff I'm working on! When this posts on the main site, I'll be at ECCC! The book is chugging along, I just finished a huge illustration project I can't share much of yet, and I've got the next script going! I'm also working on updating the site for the first time in like a decade, too! As soon as the script is done the comic will be back!

Week 10

1. Vera is lucky that it's 2005 in the Skin Deep world right now. If she had surfaced in 2024 she wouldn't be able to pull of ANY phone prank, since nobody answers their phone anymore. She'd probably be really good at internet scams, though.

2. Hybrids are incredibly rare, and since cheshire cats don't have medallions, the chances of a cheshire cat/bugbear hybrid would be even smaller. But they would make a terrifying combination. Kinda like the cat from Hausu, honestly.

3. Qilin exist in Skin Deep! Like Newton from the last reader question, Cynthia is visiting the LA in an exchange student type of visit.

4. Nemeans are encouraged to have kids in human form, since human-shaped cubs are less likely to destroy literally everything, but the flip side to that is that when they do get their medallions, they're unused to their strength and have a bit of a learning curve. Cubs born as lions have a longer time to figure out their strength before given a medallion.

5. Maybe someday I'll be able to tell the story of Merial's turning. Here's a little hint to it for now.




Been watching Dungeon Meshi so I have two questions: Are there any foods/cuisines unique to mythical communities like the Liverpool one? What classes would the Skin Deep cast have if they were in a fantasy RPG setting?


😮 traumatic turning! Woah! Would this also happen to a winged species plummeting to their doom from a tall height?