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For this week's reader questions I turned to the Skin Deep Discord!

1. Gabe is fine, probably. They are trying really hard to ignore any call to action they see.

2. Merial and Greg went to High School together, so their parents know each other.

3. Removable horse shoes are also an option for hoofed individuals that don't particularly want to have metal nailed into their feet.

4. I made Mary and Roald's parents up on the fly, so I reserve the right to change this at any moment if I need to, haha. Baby Roald and Mary are canon though. Look at them. They're so little.

5. I changed "raven" to "azure jay" so I could have a cute little South American gryphon.

And that's it for Discord Week! I've been working nonstop on illustrations for a book I can't share with anyone quite yet, and when that's done I'm going full force on Skin Deep! I really hope I can get the script for the next comic done soon!



Jenifur Charne

Greg, your mother needs a computer, and an internet connection, so she can affordably make long distance interstate and international calls via the internet using Skype. Michelle, you and your mother should also think of using the same. IRL in mid 2005, due to the pending closure of the dialup ISP I was using, I moved to a new ISP, and 1500/256 ADSL internet. I also started using Skype for Voice over IP (VoIP) long distance phone calls. That saved me a _lot_ of money on phone calls.


How do I join the discord?!

Jenifur Charne

You won't have to try to look for a way to join. Because of how things are set up between Patreon and Discord, since you're here, you'll get forcibly joined to the Skin Deep Discord.